Mission Action for May Our Mission Action Project for the month of May will be for South Main Mercy Center. They can use: Bottled Water, Diapers (Any Size), Bathroom Tissue, Kleenex, Paper Towels, Paper Plates, Cups, Napkins, Coffee, Sugar, Creamer, Pop-Top Food Items and Copy Paper for Office Use. Please leave any of the above in the Bible Study Office.
Birthdays and Anniversaries for May BIRTHDAYS Devon Dalton 5/3 Sierra James 5/4 Betty Sanders 5/11 Donna Holland 5/12 Heather Brickman 5/14 Nora Lee Stamps 5/15 Jimmy Turner 5/16 Christy West 5/18 Cory Holmes 5/19 Le...
Are you troubled by the days we are living in? Has your faith been shaken by the progression of sin that has come to the forefront of our world? When you and I lose perspective of God in our reasoning and worry, we are much like Peter who took his eyes off of Jesus when walking out to Him on the water. Instead of focusing on Jesus, he focused on the storm. Being scared in troubled times is good, if it propels us toward the gospel. Yes, the fact that Jesus was born of a virgin, lived a sinless life, died for the sins of each person in the world, resurrected after His death and will come again must give us hope! Peter puts it this way: 14 But even if you suffer for doing what is right, God will reward you for it. So don’t worry or be afraid of their threats. 15 Instead, you must worship Christ as Lord of your life. And if someone asks about your hope as a believer, always be ready to explain it. [1 Peter 3:14-15 NLT] Peter, encourages us as b...
This year for Mother’s Day you have the opportunity to purchase a red rose in honor of your mother or a white rose in memory of your mother. Roses will be $5.50 each. The roses will make up the altar arrangement on Mother’s Day, Sunday, May 8th. After the service, you may take the number purchased from the arrangement. Honorariums and Memorials will be listed in the bulletin on Mother’s Day. Please fill out the form below. Include the form with payment in the envelope provided during our church services. Checks should be made out to the church. Envelopes should be placed in the offering plate. The deadline to submit forms and payments is Sunday, May 1st. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- In Memory / Honor of __________________________ By _________________________________________ In Memory / Honor of __________________________ By _________________________________________ In Memory / Honor of ___________...
There is a four letter word that Christians refuse to hear today. This word holds the weight of eternity in its meaning. Believers hear this word, sing about this word and even pray with this word but applying it to their lives is a different story. This world needs believers who will not be afraid to make a difference. Your family, friends and community need you seeking to be holy. Learn about this and more on Sunday mornings at 10:30 am worship as we learn God's promises for those who pursue holiness.
MISSION ACTION for APRIL Our Mission Action Project for the month of April will be for Clean Start. This is a non-profit ministry here in Anderson supported by churches and individuals. Anyone that is homeless or in a house without power or water can go here and get a bath. They need: Disposable Razors, Bath Soap, Towels, Sneaker Shoes, Travel Size Deodorant, Bathroom Tissue, Baby Oil and Washcloths. Please leave any of the above in the Bible Study Office.
Vacation Bible School July 11-14, 2016 Monday - Thursday We are recruiting leaders right now. Come join us as we share the gospel story of Jesus Christ to the children and families of our Homeland Park Community. There are positions for people to serve in many different areas. VBS Leadership Rally #1 Sunday, April 24 @ 4:00 pm (Meet In The Sanctuary) VBS Leadership Rally #2 Sunday, June 26, 2016 4:00 pm (Meet In The Sanctuary) VBS Flyer Distribution Throughout Our Community July 9 @ 10:00 am - Noon