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Showing posts from 2019

Welcome Blake and Amy Fortner

We are excited to Welcome Blake Fortner as our new Youth Pastor. He and his wife Amy are a welcome addition to our church family and we look forward to seeing God work through them in mighty ways! He begins on Sunday, January 5th.

Lottie Moon Christmas Offering

Mission March Sunday, December 8 Our Goal: $1,000

Birthdays and Anniversaries for December

Birthdays Deborah Forrester          12/4 Pat Cox                         12/8 Cindy Hanks                   12/12 Rick Eubanks                  12/15 Bertha Lyon                   12/16 James Strickland             12/16 Ellen Black                     12/18 Patsy Fleming                 12/27 Harold Sanders            ...

HOLDING HEAVEN - A Christmas Worship Experience

Sunday, December 22  @ 10:30 AM In the HPBC Sanctuary.

Church-Wide Christmas Fellowship

CHURCH-WIDE CHRISTMAS FELLOWSHIP Wednesday, December 11 @ 6:00 PM In the HPBC Family Life Center. The Church will provide chicken. Please bring covered dishes, desserts, and drinks.

Pastor's Post for December

Are you in awe, as I am, that we are approaching another Christmas season? It seems like we were just celebrating Easter yesterday. Yes, our perception of time flying by is something many can identify with. Since the Christmas season is upon us, it is more important than ever  to prepare for our coming Savior and King, Jesus Christ! As we read the Old Testament scriptures, we can see how God prepared the way for Jesus to come to this earth, live a sinless life, die a sinner’s death, and rise from the dead only to return again for those who follow Him. One major player in the preparation of Jesus’ coming to earth was found in John the Baptist. John was the forerunner to Jesus. As a matter of fact, He was a miracle as well. Read what happened when his father prayed for a son. (Luke 1:11-13 NLT) While Zechariah was in the sanctuary, an angel of the Lord appeared to him, standing to the right of the incense altar. 12 Zechariah was shaken and overwhelmed with fear when he ...

Church-Wide Thanksgiving Fellowship

Thanksgiving Fellowship Tuesday, November 26   6:00 PM In the Family Life Center. Come join us for a time of food and fellowship.  Please bring soups, sandwiches, desserts, sweet tea, and un-sweet tea.

Senior Adult Christmas Breakfast

SENIOR ADULT  CHRISTMAS BREAKFAST Saturday, December 7 9:00 AM In the Family Life Center. All senior adults are invited to join us.  Please bring a canned good for our Food Pantry.

Joseph Habedank Concert

Joseph Habedank Concert November 17 Rock Springs Baptist Church, Easley We are transferring our Sunday Evening Worship Service on November 17 to join Joseph Habedank and the Rock Springs Church Family in Easley for a worship service. The concert begins at 6:00 PM and admission is free, but a love offering will be taken and I am sure Joseph will have music and things for you to purchase. For those wanting to ride the church bus we will leave at 4:00 PM.   Call the church office if you would like a ride. (864) 296-9751 If you would like to travel on your own, here is the address: Rock Springs Baptist Church 201 Rock Springs Road Easley, SC 29642

Mission Action for November

Our Mission Action Project for the month of November will be for Calvary Home for Children. They can use School Supplies, Liquid Washing Detergent, Clorox Cleaning Supplies, Individual Deodorants, Bath Soap, Kleenex, Paper Towels, Paper Plates, and any Household Items. Please leave these in the Bible Study Office.

Birthdays and Anniversaries for November

Birthdays Buddy Sanders               11/5 Newt Partain                   11/6 Will Artman                    11/6 Nakita Harris                  11/8 Frances Holcombe           11/17 Minnie Lee Turner           11/18 Tonya Keaton                 11/19 Donna Strickland             11/21 Anniversaries Matt & Molly Turner                    11/16 James ...

Pastor's Post for November

“Every time I think of you, I give thanks to my God.” Philippians 1:3 Thankfulness is on the forefront of everyone’s mind as we approach this Thanksgiving season. Let me start by thanking you church on behalf of Donna and I for the kind Pastor Appreciation Day last Sunday. You always make us feel like the most blessed people in the world. Your heart for Jesus and others is seen in all you do.   Do not let Satan sidetrack you by influencing you to think about all that has been lost or taken away. Remember, anything or anyone that has been taken by God, is not gone for good. Anything that has been taken that is not godly, you don’t need anyway. Live your life in a way that causes people to thank God for your influence in their life. I assure you that someone is watching you. Give thanks to God for all the people He has placed in your life! I know I do. With A Thankful Heart, Pastor James

SBA 217th Annual Meeting

SBA 217 TH ANNUAL MEETING Sunday, October 20 Concord Baptist Church 4:30 PM   Partners in Ministry Displays, Fellowship & Refreshments 5:15 PM   Pre-Session Music 5:30 PM   Annual Meeting *Nursery available beginning at 5:15 PM. SBA ANNUAL YOUTH RALLY Sunday, October 20   New Life Fellowship 5:00-7:30 PM Join us for games, pizza, music & worship! Guest Speaker: Tim McKnight Music: Basic Life Band FREE EVENT! Reservations are required by Wednesday, October 16. Call the SBA Office 864-225-7759 or email  

Global Hunger Sunday

Global Hunger Sunday: October 13 100% of offering dollars are used to purchase food.

Trunk or Treat

TRUNK or TREAT Wednesday, October 3 0   6:00 PM Each year more and more children and their families from our community stop by for this outreach event. This year we are holding this event a day early to give more of our families an opportunity to participate. Please bring your vehicle with candy to give out to the children in our community who come through our parking lot, as we reach out to their families. Dressing up and decorating your trunk is not a requirement to participate, but is always appreciated. As you can imagine, there is a large demand for candy as well. If you would like to donate candy, please bring it to the HPBC Bible Study Office when you come to church.

Mission Action for October & Operation Christmas Child Breakfast

Mission Action & Operation Christmas Child Breakfast Our Mission Action Project for the month of October will be shoeboxes for Operation Christmas Child. Please leave items for this in the Bible Study Office. We will have an Operation Christmas Child Breakfast on Saturday, October 19 at 10 AM in the Family Life Center to pack the shoeboxes. P lease bring a check for $9 payable to Samaritan’s Purse to cover shipping to the breakfast. Shoeboxes are in the Bible Study Office. Item suggestions are included in the bulletin. Jesus said, “Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them,  for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these.” Matthew 19:14 NIV     

Pastor's Post for October

The Power of Your Faith Do you know that your faith can influence others to follow Jesus? God has blessed all of us with a circle of people to influence. Whether it be our family,  friends, or random people we meet, God has a plan for all of our relationships. You may think, “I don’t know what to say” when asked about your faith. All you have to say is the truth. Share with others what your life was like before meeting Jesus, how you came to know Jesus as your Savior and how your life is different after becoming a Christian. Also, you can show Jesus’ love by your actions. In Luke 7 we read of an occurrence where Jesus was teaching and the crowd was packed. Four friends knew that Jesus had been healing people. They loved their friend who was paralyzed so they took his mat, went to the roof and lowered him at Jesus’ feet. Notice what Jesus says next . . . Seeing their faith, Jesus said to the man, “Young man, your sins are forgiven.” (Luke 7:20) The f...

Birthdays and Anniversaries for October

Birthdays Dorothy Dutton               10/2 Deborah James               10/3 Pauline Tate                   10/4 Ross Christensen            10/10 Jimmy Cleveland             10/10 Lonnie Vickery                10/11 Reba Geddings               10/17 Anniversaries Terry & Mary Lou Finley 10/11 Rick & Shirley Eubanks   10/15

Confession, Reflection and The Lord's Supper

Yesterday, our church observed the ordinance of the Lord''s Supper or Communion as some call it.  Our church is blessed to have a committee that prepares this for us on every fifth Sunday.  This practice is designed to take us back in our hearts and minds to that dreadful night where Jesus sat at a table with His disciples to prepare them for His pending crucifixion .   The purpose of the Lord's Supper is not for us to go through the motions, but to remember all that Christ did for us.  His body was broken and blood was shed for the forgiveness of our sins.  Communion is a time to reflect, appreciate and give honor to Jesus for what He endured for us. This ordinance is not for everyone.  This is only to be taken by those who are believers and accepted Jesus as their ultimate forgiver and leader.  To partake in this service in an unworthy state is sin. 1 Corinthians 11:27 (NLT) 27 So anyone who eats this bread or drinks this...

Pastor James Invitation To Our All In Meeting for September 17, 2019

The "All In" meeting is an opportunity for leadership of the church to review where we have been, where we are and where we are going as a church.  Committee Members, Team Members and Those Interested in Helping are invited.

WMU Prayer Emphasis for September

PRAYER EMPHASIS North American Mission Board: California, James Britts International Mission Board: East Asian Peoples, Mark Bennett “PRAY WITHOUT CEASING”

2019 Season of Prayer for State Missions and Janie Chapman Offering

2019 SEASON of PRAYER for  STATE MISSIONS and JANIE CHAPMAN OFFERING September 8 - September 15 MISSION MARCH Sunday, September 15 Goal: $1,000

Mission Action for September

Our Mission Action Project for the month of September will be for the Shalom House Ministries, Inc. of Anderson. The Shalom House is a transitional home for women in recovery from drugs and alcohol. They can use Coffee, Creamer, Sugar, Paper Towels, Ziploc Bags, Soft Scrub with Bleach, Liquid Laundry Products, Clorox, Sponges, and Scouring Pads. Please leave these in the Bible Study Office.      "For I know the plans that I have for you," declares the LORD, "plans for welfare and not for calamity  to give you a future and a hope."  (Jeremiah 29:11)

Pastor's Post for September

There are many today that believe in the concept of “karma”. Often it is used to mean, what you give to this world will ultimately come back to you. If you are a mean person,  someone will be mean to you. If you are nice to someone, someone will be nice to you. This principle originated the religions of Hinduism and Buddhism. Karma referred to someone doing better than they did before once they died and came back in a reincarnated state. As believers in Jesus Christ and His Word, we know that reincarnation is not supported. It is appointed for a man or woman to be born then die. However, Jesus said in John 3, if a person wants eternal life they must be born again. Meaning, one admits they are a sinner, accept Jesus’ death for the forgiveness of their sins and lives life as a “new creature”. While you physically will not become a new person, your soul and your spirit will be renewed. It will be a start over or a reboot so to speak. Though believers do not believe ...

Birthdays for September

Birthdays Malissa Fleming             9/1 Max Fleming                  9/5 Elenor Habbal                9/7 Sharon LaCount             9/10 Jerry Stamps                 9/11 Joe Hansen                   9/13 Willette Harrison            9/13 Trista Cox                      9/17 Joe Lollis                   ...

Mission Action for August

Mission Action Our Mission Action Project for the month of August will be bottled water for the Fire Departments of Broadway and Homeland Park. Please leave these in the Bible Study Office.     

Pastor's Post for August

Persistence Pays Off Dear Church, I want to thank you for an amazing summer. I am truly amazed to see how God is working in your lives and our church. Vacation Bible School was a tremendous success for  many reasons. First and foremost, several children made the decision to ask Jesus into their lives while others grew in their understanding of Him. Secondly, we saw new leadership take the reins and give our church hope for the future. Thirdly, many of our faithful servants continued to stand in the gap and man their post as they do every year. There was no small task and everyone played their part. I made the remark to a few people that I was seeing the answer to a seven-year-long prayer request come to fruition. Yes, seven years! Jesus often reminds us that He does not put time limits or expiration dates on our prayers, we do. As we continue to serve Jesus together, I encourage you to persist in your prayers, for you, your family, your friends and...

Birthdays and Anniversaries for August

August Birthdays  Angie Watts                    8/2 Molly Turner                   8/12 Sheila White                   8/14 Ellen Christensen            8/15 Helen Ferguson             8/21 Lou Ellen Higgins            8/22 Janiece White                 8/22 Shirley Eubanks             8/23 Andrea Franks                8/25 Robert Lee       ...

Back to School Supplies Giveaway

BACK TO SCHOOL   SUPPLIES GIVEAWAY HOMELAND PARK BAPTIST CHURCH (Family Life Center) 3010 Abbeville Highway, Anderson Sunday, August 11 5:00 PM - 6:00 PM A FREE PIZZA SUPPER WILL BE SERVED! Children must be present to receive supplies. 864-296-9751