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Showing posts from February, 2016

The Cross and The Stone

Easter is only four weeks away, what are you doing to prepare to celebrate it? It seemed like the day after Valentine’s day, the stores were stocking up on candy, Easter baskets, chocolate bunnies and egg dying kits. It is no surprise that stores are wanting to capitalize on this Easter season, but what are you doing to prepare for Easter? I’m sure, like many others, are preparing a worship service for Sunday that would honor everything Jesus, but what about you? What about your heart? You see, true worship is not attending a certain time slot in a church building, Worship is a daily decision to yield our lives to His will, His way, His love. As you prepare for Easter this year I pray you keep two images in the forefront of your mind. 1) The Cross: The cross was a horrendous form of capital punishment invented by the Romans to publicly execute criminals in a very inhumane way. The pain and agony that Jesus Christ felt on that cross, gave proof of the sacrificial love He has ...

Thank You For The Night of Worship!

I wanted to thank all those who came out to our Jam night ! I was blessed to worship with you and catch a little glimpse of heaven. I look forward to many more of these moments. - Pastor James

Two Keys To Turning Stumbling Blocks Into Stepping Stones

Pastor James continues the study of Joseph tonight. Joseph finally reveals his identity to his brothers. There are two keys to turning our stumbling blocks into stepping stones. Key 1: Nothing touches us that God does not allow or orchestrate to fulfill His purpose in our life! Key 2: When you and I find it hard to believe God can work in our present and future, it is crucial to remember His faithfulness in our past. Text: Genesis 44-45 Come tonight at 6:30 to unpack this and more. #bringyourbible #lifechange

Jam At The Park on February 26

If you have an instrument and would like to jam with a group, come to “Jam At The Park” on Friday, February 26th at 7:00 - 8:00 pm .  Bring whatever instrument you can play from a bass to a bassoon. If you can sing, bring your voice. This will be a very informal time of worship where we spend a few moments praising our great God. Some music charts will be available if needed but reading music is not a requirement. If you have friends that play, invite them. Our goal is not to only encourage our “musical” members but to reach out to other musicians. We will meet in the sanctuary. If you have any questions contact our worship leader Tammy Sanders ( )

Operation Christmas Child Shoeboxes

OPERATION CHRISTMAS CHILD Please go by the Bible Study Office and pick-up shoeboxes for Operation Christmas Child to be filled all during the year at your convenience. The usual amount of $7 for shipping needs to be included when a box is completed. Shoeboxes need to be turned in by Sunday, October 30th, 2016.  

"Souper" Sunday - Sunday, February 7th

      "SOUPER" SUNDAY Sunday, February 7th As the Super Bowl approaches, we want to make this a big day. Invite your friends and acquaintances to Bible Study that morning as we begin steps to reach our goal of 100 in Bible Study for 2016.  We are asking our members to bring soup and sandwiches to eat for lunch after church. Donations of canned goods like "soup" will be collected to replenish our mission food pantry. There will be no evening services.   

Mission Action for February

MISSION ACTION for FEBRUARY     The Mission Action for the month of February is for Under His Wings. This is an eight week in house program for women with life-controlling addictions and is a ministry of Haven of Rest. They would appreciate the following: Canned Fruits and Vegetables, Coffee (Regular or Decaf), Sugar, Creamer, Sweet ‘N Low Sweetener, Paper Plates, Paper Cups, Kleenex, Bathroom Tissue, Snack Items, Kool-Aid, Microwave Popcorn, Good Christian Books, Bibles (Preferably NIV) and Clean Useable Dresses for Church (Sizes 16, 18, 20). Please leave any of the above in the Bible Study Office.

Birthdays and Anniversaries for February

BIRTHDAYS and ANNIVERSARIES for FEBRUARY   BIRTHDAYS Anna Artman                  2/3 Ashleigh Dickson               2/5 Phyllis Swaney                2/10       ANNIVERSARIES Dwain & Bertha Lyon      2/28

Annie Armstrong Easter Offering for North American Missions

ANNIE ARMSTRONG EASTER OFFERING for NORTH AMERICAN MISSIONS   Week of Prayer - March 6th   - 13th   Mission March - Sunday, March 13th   Our Goal - $1,000         Envelopes are in the pews.