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Showing posts from August, 2019

Mission Action for August

Mission Action Our Mission Action Project for the month of August will be bottled water for the Fire Departments of Broadway and Homeland Park. Please leave these in the Bible Study Office.     

Pastor's Post for August

Persistence Pays Off Dear Church, I want to thank you for an amazing summer. I am truly amazed to see how God is working in your lives and our church. Vacation Bible School was a tremendous success for  many reasons. First and foremost, several children made the decision to ask Jesus into their lives while others grew in their understanding of Him. Secondly, we saw new leadership take the reins and give our church hope for the future. Thirdly, many of our faithful servants continued to stand in the gap and man their post as they do every year. There was no small task and everyone played their part. I made the remark to a few people that I was seeing the answer to a seven-year-long prayer request come to fruition. Yes, seven years! Jesus often reminds us that He does not put time limits or expiration dates on our prayers, we do. As we continue to serve Jesus together, I encourage you to persist in your prayers, for you, your family, your friends and...

Birthdays and Anniversaries for August

August Birthdays  Angie Watts                    8/2 Molly Turner                   8/12 Sheila White                   8/14 Ellen Christensen            8/15 Helen Ferguson             8/21 Lou Ellen Higgins            8/22 Janiece White                 8/22 Shirley Eubanks             8/23 Andrea Franks                8/25 Robert Lee       ...

Back to School Supplies Giveaway

BACK TO SCHOOL   SUPPLIES GIVEAWAY HOMELAND PARK BAPTIST CHURCH (Family Life Center) 3010 Abbeville Highway, Anderson Sunday, August 11 5:00 PM - 6:00 PM A FREE PIZZA SUPPER WILL BE SERVED! Children must be present to receive supplies. 864-296-9751