MISSION ACTION Our Mission Action project for the month of April is for Clean Start. This is a non-profit ministry here in Anderson supported by churches and individuals. Anyone that is homeless or in a house without power or water can go there and get a shower. They can use: Washcloths, Towels, Disposable Razors, Bath Soap, Baby Oil, Travel Size Deodorant, and Bathroom Tissue. Please leave any of the above in the Bible Study Office.
As Easter approaches we celebrate the resurrection of Jesus Christ. One of the words I like to use to describe the resurrection is “restoration”. Jesus validates every teaching, every healing and every human interaction He ever carried out during His time on Earth through His resurrection. He not only died on the cross for your sin and mine; He arose! He arose to defeat death and hell. His resurrection restored a bridge that leads straight to God. Mankind is no longer separated from God by sin. Our relationship with God can be restored to all who call and believe on the name of Jesus Christ. His resurrection will restore the bodies of those who believe in Him. We who believe will be resurrected one day just as He demonstrated. Life does not end in a grave or a crypt, it is merely a parking place. Our bodies remain as our souls continue to their final destination ( 1 Corinthians 15:51-55) . One day both our body and spirit will be reunited and “restored” to our eternal st
EASTER SUNDAY SERVICES Sunday, April 1st 8:45 AM Prayer Meeting 9:30 AM Bible Study 10:30 AM Morning Worship - This Is Amazing Grace *There will be no evening service.
BIRTHDAYS for MARCH Matthew Franks 3/1 Tammy Sanders 3/3 Alfred Harrell 3/5 Christine Marlow 3/8 Bobbie Eskew 3/10 Millard Hart 3/14 Jerry Geddings 3/17 Mary Lou Finley 3/19 Andrew Culberson 3/20 Polly Keaton 3/22 Matthew Turner 3/24 Ann Turner 3/30 Bonnie Evans 3/31 ANNIVERSARIES for MARCH Jerry & Clair Stamps 3/8 Will & Anna Artman 3/16
ANNIE ARMSTRONG EASTER OFFERING for NORTH AMERICAN MISSIONS Week of Prayer: March 4th – 11th Mission March: Sunday, March 11th During Morning Worship Our Goal: $1,000 “We must not love with words or speech, but with truth and action.” (1 John 3:18, HSB)
Mission Action Our Mission Action project for the month of March will be for the Hospice of the Upstate. They can use: Saltine Crackers, Small and Large Styrofoam Bowls, Small Pape Plates, Large Styrofoam Cups, Plastic Spoons, Paper Towels, Coffee (Not Instant), Individual Fruit Cups, Individual Jell-O, and Individual Applesauce. Please leave any of the above in the Bible Study Office.