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Showing posts from September, 2015

Weekly Youth Update: 9/27-10/4

Tonight, the Homeland Park youth will meet for our Wednesday night Bible study from 6:30-7:30! We will be continuing our study through 1 John in 1 John 4. Join us in the Loft of the Family Life Center for Bible study and come early at 6:00 for hanging out in the gym! The Saluda Baptist Association Student Rally is Sunday evening, October 18 at Pope Drive Baptist Church! This is an evening you will not want to miss as we join our brothers and sisters in Christ from neighboring churches for fellowship and growth in the Lord together to be encouraged and challenged to carry out God’s mission for us in the greater Anderson area. Tony Eubanks will be leading us in teaching and MOSAIC from Anderson University will be leading us in worship! Details for departure are coming soon but if you plan to attend, please let me know by this Sunday so that I may reserve your dinner ticket (free dinner!). Homecoming at Homeland Park Baptist Church is Sunday morning, November 1! Join us for t...

Great Events Begin With An Idea

One of the many things I love about pastoring is the way ideas for events come together.  There are many great repetitive events that occur weekly, monthly and yearly, just because that is what the church “has always done”.   However, there are times when God speaks through the imaginations and passions of His people.  Even though they may not realize it at the time. For example, a few weeks ago, one of our members walked into Wednesday Night Bible Study and said, “We need to have a homecoming!”  It came out of the blue, we had not even been talking about it. There is the idea! Granted people will always be filled with ideas and opinions, but when God speaks, people are willing to support that idea .  The person followed their comment with, “ . . . and I’ll be glad to help put it together.” Before you know it after much prayer, some phone calls, emails,  and meetings, we are having homecoming on Sunday, Nov. 1 . Former pastor Dr. Wayne Dickar...

Weekly Youth Update: 9/21-9/27

The Homeland Park youth are currently exploring 1 John in our Wednesday night Bible study! This week, we will be in 1 John 3. Bible study is from our normal time of 6:30-7:30. We hang out beforehand at 6:00 in the gym of the Family Life Center. Invite family and friends and we look forward to seeing you tomorrow at 6! The Saluda Baptist Association Student Rally is Sunday evening, October 18 at Pope Drive Baptist Church! This is an evening you will not want to miss as we join our brothers and sisters in Christ from neighboring churches for fellowship and growth in the Lord together to be encouraged and challenged to carry out God’s mission for us in the greater Anderson area. Details of time and departure are coming soon but circle the date today on your calendar! Homecoming at Homeland Park Baptist Church is Sunday morning, November 1! Join us for this time of welcoming back friends and family and pray for an awakening and revival in our community and church as we celebra...

Weekly Youth Update: 9/14-9/20

Quick update this week! Bible study is tonight from 6:30-7:30 in the Family Life Center! We will be in 1 John 2:15-17! Also, mark your calendars for November 1! The church will be hosting Homecoming that Sunday and we are excited for the youth to join the rest of the church body in celebrating God’s great work at HPBC over the years and what we pray He will do in the years to come! If you have any questions, please email me at ! Jason

Weekly Youth Update: 9/7-9/13

This week, we’ll be continuing our series in 1 John! Join us for Bible study, Wednesday night, from 6:30-7:30. Feel free to arrive early at 6:00 to hang out with us beforehand! This past Saturday, the youth attended the start of college football season for the Clemson-Wofford football game! We had an amazing time in fellowship and fun watching the Tigers dominate, surviving the heat and sunburns, and meeting players on the field after the game! I'm planning to have photos up next week If you have any questions, please email me at! Jason 

Thank you for caring enough to serve!

We are so thankful for these men and others that work tirelessly to keep our building and grounds in order.  Here are Larry, Gary and Odell hanging our new sign for those who take advantage of our walking track.

Homecoming At The Park on November 1

Save The Date! We are inviting you to be a part of this great day. Prepare your heart, bring a friend and pray, pray, pray! More information is on the way.

Weekly Youth Update: 8/31-9/6

This Wednesday, the will continue our study in 1 John. Bible study is from 6:30-7:30 pm and they gym will open at 6:00 for anyone wanting to hangout beforehand! See you then! This Saturday, September 5, the youth will head to Clemson for the start of college football season as Clemson takes on Wofford in Death Valley! Tickets are limited, first come-first serve, and $10 each. In order to reserve a ticket, please pick up a trip packet from me and return the medical release and permission forms by Wednesday. We will have a brief parent-student meeting at 5:30 pm on Wednesday for those attending. If you have any questions, please email me at ! Jason