Tonight, the Homeland Park youth will meet for our Wednesday night Bible study from 6:30-7:30! We will be continuing our study through 1 John in 1 John 4. Join us in the Loft of the Family Life Center for Bible study and come early at 6:00 for hanging out in the gym! The Saluda Baptist Association Student Rally is Sunday evening, October 18 at Pope Drive Baptist Church! This is an evening you will not want to miss as we join our brothers and sisters in Christ from neighboring churches for fellowship and growth in the Lord together to be encouraged and challenged to carry out God’s mission for us in the greater Anderson area. Tony Eubanks will be leading us in teaching and MOSAIC from Anderson University will be leading us in worship! Details for departure are coming soon but if you plan to attend, please let me know by this Sunday so that I may reserve your dinner ticket (free dinner!). Homecoming at Homeland Park Baptist Church is Sunday morning, November 1! Join us for t...
Connecting Lives With God and Others!