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Showing posts from May, 2019

The Power of God's Names by Tony Evans on Wednesday Nights

In biblical times, names communicated a person's essence - their history, nature or character.  That's why God revealed Himself by dozens of different names in Scripture.  No single name could convey the fullness of His character and works. Learn the meanings of God's names to know Him more fully and experience Him on a deeper level. Sessions Include The Majesty of God's Names Jehovah and Adonai Jehovah Nissi and Jehovah Tsaba Jehovah Rohi and Jehovah Jireh El Elyon and El Shaddai Immanuel

Memorial Day

-With Honor and Gratitude, We Remember- MEMORIAL DAY Monday, May 27 The HPBC office will be closed on Monday, May 27 in observance of Memorial Day.

Mother's Day at HPBC

Mother's Day Schedule Sunday, May 12 8:45 AM  Prayer Meeting 9:30 AM  Bible Study 10:30 AM  Morning Worship Service There will not be any evening activities or evening worship service.

Pastor's Post for May

We all encounter events that change our lives. Some are pleasant and others not so much. Whether it be looking into the eyes of your newborn child, puppy kisses on a tough day, a health crisis or tragic accident, they affect the way you live for better or for worse.   The Bible say that, “For He gives His sunlight to both the evil and the good, and He sends rain on the just and the unjust alike.” (Matthew 5:45) . I have always taken this to mean that good and bad fall upon everyone, however God is my umbrella. As we move on from the Easter season, do not pack up your faith in Jesus our risen Savior with your Easter decorations and crafts. Because of Jesus our lives are changed. This means that anyone who belongs to Christ has become a new person. The old life is gone; a new life has begun! (2 Corinthians 5:17) Once you accept Christ as your ultimate forgiver and leader in your life you can never go back to the way you used to operate. Why would you want to? Live...

WMU Mission Action for May

Mission Action Our Mission Action Project for the month of May will be for Richard M. Campbell Veterans Nursing Home. They can use: Toothpaste, Toothbrushes, Combs, Brushes, Hand and Body Lotion, After Shave Lotion (Old Spice, English Leather, etc.), Denture Cups with Lids, Kleenex, Diabetic Candy, Moon Pies (Any Flavor), Individual Size Snacks (Any Kind), and Canned Drinks. Please leave any of these items in the Bible Study Office.     

Birthdays and Anniversaries for May

Birthdays Betty Sanders                 5/11 Donna Holland                5/12 Heather Brickman           5/14 Nora Lee Stamps            5/15 Jimmy Turner                 5/16 Cory Holmes                   5/19 Leisa Evans                    5/25 Shirley Williams             5/25 Jimmie Crocker               5/28 Anniversaries Odell & Shirley Williams  ...