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Showing posts from April, 2013

Church Safety Training on May 18 at the Anderson Civic Center

CHURCH SAFETY TRAINING MAY 18, 2013 (Saturday) 8:00 am - Noon The Anderson County Sheriff’s Office is hosting “Church Safety Training” seminar for churches that are concerned about the growing amount of incursions and attacks on people at church functions. The seminar will cover topics such as: How to start a Church Safety Ministry Team Reading The Subjects Body Language Working as a Team Defensive Maneuvers Subject Compliance Holds This class will teach members of the Church Safety Ministry Team to take charge of an unruly person and escort this person out of the building without causing harm to the individual. The seminar is open and free to any church member wishing to attend. The primary instructor for this class will be Captain Randy Creamer. Let Pastor James know if you would like to attend. (864) 332-9175 or

ALS Walk Donations in Memory of Pastor Larry Cox

ALS WALK DONATIONS If you would like to sponsor Patsy Cox and her family in the ALS Walk in Simpsonville on April 27th, the donation sheet will be at the front of the church this Sunday.  They are walking in memory of our former Pastor, Rev. Larry Cox as team "Superman"! Link To The Upstate ALS Walk HERE

National Day of Prayer - May 2nd

Join together at the Saluda Baptist Association office as others across the country meet to lift up our country in prayer Thursday, May 2, 2013 12:00 p.m .   A bagged lunch will be provided for each person attending the lunch service at 12:00 p.m . To ensure seating and lunch, please register by calling the Saluda Baptist Association office at (864) 225-7759 or by e-mailing by Monday, April 29th . More Information On The National Day of Prayer

SBA Senior Adult Spring Fling 2013 at Unity BC

Our Senior Adults joining others from our association for an inspirational time of worship and fellowship thanks to the Saluda Baptist Association.  Thanks to all who made this possible.

Mission Action For April - CLEAN START

Clean Start  is a Non-Profit Ministry here in Anderson supported only by churches and individuals. Anyone that is homeless or in a house without power or water can go here and get a bath. Items needed are: Disposable Razors, Bath Soap, Towels, Sneaker Shoes, Travel Size Deodorant, Bathroom Tissue, Baby Oil and Washcloths. Please leave any of the above in the Bible Study Office.

Sunday Evening Praise This Sunday Night April 7

On Sunday night, April 7th, we will be having an evening of praise. This is an opportunity for anyone – young or old – to use the talents or abilities God has given them to praise and worship His name. Whatever gift God has given you – singing, playing an instrument, interpretive dance, poetry, drama, comedy, etc.  We have some great people lined up. It will be a great night of worship!  Don't miss it.

True, A New Sermon Series

I could not be more excited for our next sermon series. Over the next few week we will be discovering biblical truths from the greatest sermon ever preached, "The Sermon On The Mount" as found in Matthew 5-7 . Jesus' first sermon on the Mount of Olives would set the standard for a new day in the worship of God. Jesus was preparing to change everything. In a world that is based on opinion polls, feelings, and political correctness it is crucial for us to get back to true Christianity. Discover what it felt like to be the disciples hearing the first message of their new leader following their initial calling. Jesus was preparing them and all who would follow for a life not of religious works but faith in action, deed and heart. Please join us on Sunday mornings at 10:30 am or via sermoncast on our webpage. Take this journey with us. Let's get back to true Christianity. In Him, Pastor James

Stanley Watts Sunday School Class Brunswick Stew Fellowship

Every few months our older men like to get together for food and encouragment.  They really enjoy being around each other.  Of course they also bring their wives and the men also serve our widows.  Gary Bryant and his assistant Tom fixed some of the best Brunswick Stew you will ever taste.  Gary's recepie has been perfecte over the years.  Thanks for the great memories and delicious food.

The Our Light Shine Bright Again.

After some time of having no lights on our steeple, a group of gifted men got our lights shining again.  We are blessed to have men in our church that can get on our roof and handle the tough jobs that many cannot.  This time James Branyon used his roofing skills to get the lights shining again on the steeple as well as patch a few places.  We are so grateful for our men that are making great improvments to our facillities.  It is definitely their ministry.

Greater Things Are Ahead

It is amazing to see the progress God has blessed us with in recent months. Many of you are actively sharing your faith, studying God’s word and being faithful to serve Him to the best of your ability. Please know that you ARE making a difference. As we begin April continue praying for God to give you more opportunities to share the gospel in word and deed as the sun stays out longer, the weather gets warmer and the church continues to grow. Continue to remember our Youth Minister search team as they continue to pray and work towards finding God’s man for this position. We know he will arrive in His time. There are some awesome opportunities for us in 2013. Our leadership and congregation must keep sharing the Gospel and building His kingdom at the forefront of our hearts. May we continue to be faithful in the little things, so God will bring us greater things! John 14:12 [HCSB] “I assure you: The one who believes in Me will also do the works that I do. And he will do eve...