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Showing posts from January, 2020

Detours by Tony Evans on Wednesday Nights

Wedneday Night Adult Bible Study Tonight at our Wednesday Night Bible Study we will be studying the life of Joseph and the detours that God used to fulfill his destiny. This is a video course by Dr. Tony Evans. We will follow up the lesson with discussion, application and prayer. We being at 6:30pm in the fellowship hall. Our youth ministry also meets seperately at 6:30pm in the gym. (Grades 6-12)

Mission Action for January

Mission News Our Mission Action Project for the month of January is for Anderson Care Pregnancy Clinic. They can use any of the following: Diapers (sizes 3, 4, 5, and 6), Wipes, Baby Shampoo, Baby Lotion, Blankets, Baby Outfits, Sleepers, Onesies, Baby Socks, Baby Bottles, Toys (infant and up to 3 years), Bathroom Tissue, Paper Towels, and Copy Paper for Office. Please leave any of this in the Bible Study Office. Thanks!

Birthdays and Anniversaries for January

Birthdays Robert Hanks                 1/8 Aaron Sellers                1/12 Sandra Martin                 1/15 Clair Stamps                   1/19 Thomas Keaton             1/30 Sherry Partain                 1/31 Anniversaries Johnny & Janiece White       1/27


ALL-IN: Catch the Vision Leadership & Interest Meeting Tuesday, January 7th @ 6:00pm God has blessed our church with another year to connect people with God and others.  Everything that takes place at our church is the result of our gracious God, committed leaders and praying members.  2019 was a year of growth for our church. It is now more important than ever to keep the vision of our purpose before us.  The purpose of this meeting is a look into what has worked in the last year, what has not worked and what our future could be. This year will be a defining moment for our church.  We must be intentional in reaching the lost and encouraging those God has entrusted us with to serve. God has given each of you a gift from his great variety of spiritual gifts. Use them well to serve one another. (1 Peter 4:10 NLT) If you are a leader in our church or just someone that may be interested in being a part of what God is doing here, please attend....