PASTOR’S POST Dear Church Family, Over recent days, God has reminded me of a principle He showed me in His word which is, “Nothing touches us that does not go through God’s hands.” Whether it be the trials of Job, the betrayal of Joseph’s family, the tragedy in David’s family or the trials Jesus endured, God is in control. “And we know that God causes everything to work together for the good of those who love God and are called according to his purpose for them.” - Romans 8:28 (NLT) Many like to hold on to the promise that everything happens for a reason, but the truth is this verse only applies to believers who are “called” to His purpose. As a Christian we are called to be His church and share the gospel with others. May we not let these momentary trials lull us to sleep in our service for Him. The devil does not deserve the victory. The people of Homeland Park Baptist Church have always been loving and resilient. Laying down is not an option. It is time to catch up in o...