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Showing posts from October, 2021

No Trunk, Just Treats Tonight at Church

  Tonight is No Trunks, Just Treats. Bring the Kiddos out for some candy. We will be in the family life center (Gym) from 6:30 to 7:30pm. We hope you can come by!

WMU Prayer Emphasis for October

  PRAYER EMPHASIS   North American Mission Board:  Andrew Long, Georgia International Mission Board:  Patrick & Erin Schwartz, European Peoples     “PRAY WITHOUT CEASING”

Pastor's Post

PASTOR’S POST Dear Church Family, Over recent days, God has reminded me of a principle He showed me in His word which is, “Nothing touches us that does not go through God’s hands.” Whether it be the trials of Job, the betrayal of Joseph’s family, the tragedy in David’s family or the trials Jesus endured, God is in control. “And we know that God causes everything to work together for the good of those who love God and are called according to his purpose for them.” - Romans 8:28 (NLT) Many like to hold on to the promise that everything happens for a reason, but the truth is this verse only applies to believers who are “called” to His purpose. As a Christian we are called to be His church and share the gospel with others. May we not let these momentary trials lull us to sleep in our service for Him. The devil does not deserve the victory. The people of Homeland Park Baptist Church have always been loving and resilient.   Laying down is not an option. It is time to catch up in o...

WMU Mission Action

 WMU MISSION ACTION Our Mission Action Project for the month of October will be Operation Christmas Child and we will be filling shoeboxes to be shipped all over the world. The shoeboxes and instructions are in the Bible Study Office.                      

no TRUNKs just TREATs

  Friday October, 29 6:30-7:30 PM In the Family Life Center (GYM) Church Family and Community - Bring your children and join us for our annual no Trunks just Treats event. Instead of using the trunks of our cars this year, we will have tables in the Family Life Center (Gym) filled with candy and games. The tables will be appropriately spaced apart for safety. For Those Wishing to Participate: Dressing up and decorating your table is not a requirement to participate, but is always appreciated. As you can imagine, there is a large demand for candy as well. If you cannot attend but would like to donate candy, please bring it to the HPBC Bible Study Office when you come to church or drop it off at the church office from Monday through Thursday - 8 AM until 12 PM.