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Showing posts from March, 2014

Get Out of The Cheap Seats

Last weekend my wife treated me to a secret road trip to see the Carolina Panthers Bank of America Stadium.  As we walked inside the stadium, I was in awe of it's sheer size.  The stadium I had only seen on TV was now right in front of me.  I was standing where the Panther's play.  Our tour guide began talking about how the stadium was designed to give everyone, even those in the cheap seats a clear line of view of the field.  I would love to see an actual game played there some time, even if it was from the cheap seats. Later on tour, we were taken to field level.  I was standing in the same tunnel that great athletes from visiting teams had walked out and could only imagine what it would be like to enter the field to a roaring crowd.  To watch the game, even from the cheap seats is nothing compared to being on the field. Too often church attenders are content to sit in the cheap seats "pews". Jesus did not call us to spectate an...

Weekly Youth Update: 3/24 - 3/30

Last week, we wrapped up our Questions Bible study series with a recap lesson and time for students to share what they learned, their praises, and their prayer requests. We were really encouraged by the students’ willingness to open up and let others into their lives. Our prayer is to see this become a common occurrence as we grow closer to the Lord together! Wednesday night, we have “March Madness” with Varennes Heights Baptist Church. This is a follow up event to our original time together at the beginning of March. We will have various basketball games and contests, four-square, and other opportunities for fellowship and fun. Our time together will last from 6-8 in the Family Life Center. Invite family and friends to come and we hope to see you there! Next Wednesday night, April 2, my friend Brock Bass will be teaching our weekly youth Bible study! We will meet together at our normal time, 6:30-7:30 in the Family Life Center. Doors open at 6:00 for anyone wanting to han...

Weekly Youth Update: 3/17 - 3/23

The Homeland Park Youth had a great study last week on heaven and hell. We discussed what heaven and hell were like and how a person only receives eternal life when he or she repents of his or her sins and trusts in Jesus and His life, death, and resurrection alone for salvation. This lesson really challenged us to remember the eternal consequences of sin every person faces but the hope of eternal life in Jesus which God has so readily made available. Wednesday evening, we will finish our Questions series with a review of the series and a time for sharing. We will share some things we learned, praises for God’s great work, and prayers requests for ourselves and those around us. The Family Life Center will open at 6:00 for hanging out and Bible study will last from 6:30-7:30. We hope that you will be able to join us for this great time of fellowship, growth in the Lord, and fun! Next Wednesday, March 26, we will join Varennes Heights Baptist Church for the second part of ou...

One Call Now Church Messaging System BETA TEST

We will be testing a new messaging service that allows us to get out critical, timely information to our church members.  The One Call Now system will contact our membership by phone, text or email with important messages that can be for the entire church or certain groups.  Members can be notified of Weather alerts, prayer requests, church functions, etc.  Members may also opt out. You will receive an automated message from Pastor James testing the system.  Once the testing phase is completed and evaluated we will decide if it is something beneficial to our membership.

Life Verses

There is no other way to grow stronger in our relationship with God than to memorize scripture. Scriptures memory is a powerful tool and incentive for sharing the gospel. David writes in Psalm 119:11 , "I have treasured Your word in my heart so that I may not sin against You." There are times when I do not have a Bible handy and I need help. The verses I have memorized over the years are what guide me in those times. I am committing to memorizing 15 Life Verses and I am inviting you to join me.  Each week for 15 weeks a Life Verse will appear in our bulletin. Mark it, post it, memorize It and make it apart of your life. Watch God do amazing things in your life. Ask a friend to learn them with you and hold you accountable. This will strengthen your relationship with God and enhance your life. In Him, Pastor James Week 1 - Luke 9:23 [Discipleship] Then He said to them all, “If anyone wants to come with Me, he must deny himself, take up his cross daily,...

Weekly Youth Update: 3/10 - 3/16

Last week was incredible as we spent time with the youth of Varennes Heights Baptist Church! We played various basketball games, board games, and a lot of four-square. The night concluded with Weldon Sellers of Varennes challenging both groups to seek God daily in His Word. On March 26, we will do another “March Madness” evening from 6-8 pm! This Wednesday night, we will continue our Questions Bible study series with a discussion about death and the afterlife. I’m sure this will be a very active conversation and we hope that you will join us. The doors to the Family Life Center open at 6:00 pm and we have Bible study from 6:30-7:30 pm. Invite friends and family for what will be a great time of learning, fellowship, and fun! Our youth hike will be on April 5, from 9 am – 2pm at the Oconee Station State Historic Site. Mark it on your calendars! If you have any questions, email me at ! Jason

Thank You Notes for March

Dear HPBC Family, You are a loving and caring group of people. Thank you so very much for each prayer, card, gift, visit and phone call. I have a come a long way since my heart surgery all because of the many prayers that you sent up for me. Please continue to pray for me and Lou during my recovery. Arthur Higgins I want to thank the Pastor and others who came to sing carols at Christmas for Jim and I. You are very thoughtful. Mildred Kelley Thank you to everyone for the gifts for the children at Homeland Park Elementary School. You are all awesome people. Emily Berry

Birthdays and Anniversaries For March

Birthdays Nancy Reeves 2-Mar Tylen McCullough 3-Mar Tammy Sanders 3-Mar Margie Purdy 5-Mar Al Harrell 5-Mar Stephen Culbertson 6-Mar Chris Marlow 8-Mar Terry Allen 9-Mar Bobbie Eskew 10-Mar Billy Mitchell 10-Mar Millard Hart 14-Mar Mary Lou Finley 19-Mar Elizabeth Elvington 20-Mar Gail Keaton 22-Mar Ruby Lee Selman 27-Mar Lib Cowart 30-Mar Bonnie Evans 31-Mar ANNIVERSARIES Jerry & Clair Stamps 8-Mar Harold & Lib Cowart 28-Mar

Mission News For March

Our Mission Action project for the month of March will be for Hospice of the Upstate and The Hospice Thrift Store.  The Hospice House can use the following: Saltine Crackers, Small Styrofoam Bowls, Small Paper Plates, Large Styrofoam Cups, Plastic Spoons, Paper Towels, Coffee (no instant), Individual Fruit Cups, Individual Jello-o and Individual Applesauce. The Hospice Thrift Store will accept donation of: Men’s, Women’s and Children’s Clothing (clean and wearable), Shoes, Pocket Books, Ties, Belts, Jewelry, Furniture, Dishes, Pots and Pans, etc. The Operation Christmas Child Mission Emphasis for the month of March is toothbrushes. Please leave any of these in the Bible Study Office.

Annie Armstrong Easter Offering

HPBC will be collecting money through the Annie Armstrong Easter offering. All monies received go directly to share the gospel all across our nation through the help of the North American Mission Board. Our Goal: $1,000.00 Envelopes Are Available In The Pews We will be accepting donations for the month of March

Set Your Clocks To Spring Forward Tonight

Just a reminder to set your clocks ahead one hour tonight.  Don't look at it as having one less hour of sleep but one hour less to wait before we will worship together again!  Weather is going to get warmer and the sun will be out later!  It's time to come out of hibernation and live the abundant life God has promised to us.

Weekly Youth Update: 3/3 - 3/9

Last week was a wonderful time for our youth ministry. We had an amazing Bible by discussing how God answers prayers and how He has ultimately provided for our greatest needs in the death and resurrection of His Son! On Saturday, we had an awesome time of fellowship as we hung out playing four-square and flag football! Our upcoming week should be just as great. Wednesday evening, March 5, the youth ministry from Varennes Heights Baptist Church will join us from 6-8 pm for “March Madness” in the Family Life Center! We will have various games that will provide opportunities for our two ministries to bond and grow closer in hopes of better reaching the community. Join us for different basketball games, four-square, and board games! Snacks will be provided and we hope to see you for what will be a great evening. We will be doing a follow up event on March 26! Finally, our youth hiking trip will be on April 5 from 9 am – 2 pm. We will be hiking at Oconee Station State Historic ...

Pastor's Post for March

Dear Church, Warmer days are ahead!  The first official day of Spring will be Thursday, March 20, 2014. Also, we will have to turn our clocks ahead one hour when we go to bed on March 8th to observe Daylight Saving's Time for March 9th, 2014.  With spring being on the horizon, it gives us that little extra excitement to go outside more, open the windows of our houses, stay out a little later and appreciate the wonders of God's creation.  Spring can also be a time of new beginnings.  Will you be more mobile when it gets warmer? Will it be easier for you to come to worship with your church family? I pray the answer to both is yes. We have been talking about the power of the gospel in our lives on Sunday nights.  I have shared aspects of the gospel message and tools for sharing it.  As you make changes this spring to be more active, please decide to be more active in God's purpose of sharing the gospel. What Is The Gospel? The Gospel is the go...

Young Adult Rally on Saturday, March 29th

YOUNG ADULT RALLY Saturday, March 29th @ 6:00 PM Family Life Center Pastor James is inviting our young adults to gather for an evening of food, fellowship and vision casting for the future.  God has blessed our church with a group of members that are between the years of 18 and Senior Adult status and He has plans to use this group in great and mighty ways.  There has never been a more important time in the life of HPBC to begin working toward a sense of community and involvement among this group. Whether you are single or married, make a point to attend.  We are asking everyone that can to bring a finger food to this event.  We will meet in the Family Life Center at 6:00 pm on Saturday March 29th and finish by 7:30 pm.  Please RSVP by March 26th by signing up through our webpage (, facebook or the sign in sheet on our church bulletin board.