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Showing posts from December, 2020

Our Series on Revelation Resumes This Sunday

  Greetings Dear Church, I pray you had a great Christmas season as we celebrated the gift of Jesus (God with us)! The gift of salvation from our sins is the greatest gift anyone could ever receive. Also, thank you to our children who sang last Sunday and Rev. Michael Kinard who proclaimed God's word. Tomorrow we jump back into the book of Revelation as we study Jesus' letter to the church at Laodecia. Jesus warns us of the dangers in living a lukewarm life as well as a call to return to Him. He loves you and I too much to be halfway committed to anything. Worship begins at 10:30. I look forward to gathering with you again while observing Covid-19 precautions and broadcasting on facebook live . In Him, Pastor James

Lottie Moon Christmas Offering

  LOTTIE MOON CHRISTMAS OFFERING   Mission March Sunday, December 13 During the Morning Worship Service   Goal: $1,000  

Pastor's Post for December

 Pastor's Post “The Significance of A Gift”   Do you have a gift that you treasure due to the person you received it from? I am sure all of us have those things that we keep that remind us of the person who have given them to us. My parents, (when they were living), made sure that I had a new suit each year. Whenever a suit was found at just the right price they would "gift" me with one. I still think of Mom and Dad every time I put on a suit or see them hanging in the closet, I think of them. You see the true value of a gift is found in the value of the one who gave it. As we approach Christmas this year, be careful to not lose sight of the greatest give this world has ever been given. A promised Messiah, Savior, Lord and King all wrapped into one.   Luke 2:15-16 New Living Translation (NLT) 15 When the angels had returned to heaven, the shepherds said to each other, “Let’s go to Bethlehem! Let’s see this thing that has happened, which the Lord has told us about.” 1...

Birthdays and Anniversaries for December

  Birthdays Deborah Forrester          12/4 Blake Fortner                  12/5 Pat Cox                         12/8 Cindy Hanks                  12/12 Rick Eubanks                 12/15 Bertha Lyon                   12/16 James Strickland             12/16 Ellen Black                     12/18 Patsy Fleming           ...