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Showing posts from August, 2017

Hurricane Harvey Relief Love Offering

It is devastating for us to watch all of the people struggling in the wake of Hurricane Harvey. Lives and property have been lost and families torn apart. As a church we support efforts to help those affected by disaster in our country through our weekly offering towards the cooperative program and our yearly Annie Armstrong Easter offering. While this helps there is no way our State Baptist Convention and North American Mission Board can meet all this need with what they normally receive. We need to do more! We can pray and we can give. Over the next two weeks we will be giving you an opportunity to give over and above your regular tithes towards the Hurricane Harvey Relief Effort. Your donations will go through our State Baptist Convention Disaster Relief Department to make sure every penny makes it to boots on the ground. Please make checks out to Homeland Park Baptist Church and designate Hurricane Harvey. If you would like to donate directly online go to  

Recap Video From Our Fall Out of Summer Spectacular 2017

 Each year we invite children and their families to this celebration to give them school supplies they need when school begins. Our church family loves to reach out into the community in this way.

Mission Action for August

Mission Action Our Mission Action for the month of August will be BOTTLED WATER for the Homeland Park Fire Department. Please leave your donation in the Bible Study Office.   

Birthdays for August

Birthdays Angie Watts                    8/2 Lucky Evans                   8/14 Sheila White                   8/14 Ellen Christensen             8/15 Nathan O'Neill                 8/16 Helen Ferguson               8/21 Lou Ellen Higgins             8/22 Janiece White                 8/22 Shirley Eubanks             8/23 Andrea Franks                8/25 Robert Lee                     8/28