WORSHIP PRAYER TEAM God has made it clear to me and our church leadership that we need to place a renewed emphasis on prayer. While we have a few that are attending our various Sunday morning and Monday evening prayer times, we need more! We need more people praying, seeking God’s face, asking for His Spirit to move and intercession for others. We need prayer warriors! Sunday, January 15th we will begin our Worship Prayer Team! We need people to sign up to pray during our Sunday morning and evening services. The Worship Prayer Team will pray for the worship team, pastor, deacons, and the hearts of those who listen to the sermon. We need to pray protection over our church. We need people to lift up the names on our prayer list. How Will It Work? We will have a signup sheet on the hallway bulletin board for those wanting to participate or you can email Pastor James [ pastorjames@homelandparkbc.org ]. When the worship servic...
Connecting Lives With God and Others!