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Showing posts from July, 2020

Mission Action for August

Mission Action Our Mission Action for August is threefold. It is for The Good Neighbor Cupboard, AIM, and our church pantry. Please bring boxed cereals, peanut butter, canned meats, canned fruits, canned vegetables, 2 lb. flour, 2 lb. sugar, boxed macaroni and cheese, and any other staple goods. Please leave these items in the HPBC Bible Study Office.

Birthdays in August

Birthdays Angie Watts       8/2 Molly Turner      8/12 Sheila White       8/14 Ellen Christensen 8/15 Calvin Summey  8/17 Helen Ferguson  8/21 Lou Ellen Higgins 8/22 Janiece White     8/22 Shirley Eubanks  8/23 Andrea Franks   8/25 Robert Lee         8/28 Karen Hardy      8/30

Mission Action for July

Mission Action Our Mission Action project for the month of July will be bottled water for Homeland Park Fire Department and Broadway Fire Department. Please leave the water in the Bible Study Office.   

WMU Prayer Emphasis for July

WMU Prayer Emphasis North American Mission Board:  John Ames - Providence, Rhode Island International Mission Board:  Edward Hall - American Peoples “PRAY WITHOUT CEASING”

Birthdays & Anniversaries for July

Birthdays Margaret Brickman          7/4 Kelsey Keaton                 7/18 Frances Neill                   7/26 Anniversarie s Robert & Cindy Hanks      7/26

Updated Reopening Plan for HPBC During The Coronavirus

As you may have seen during these days, the Coronavirus is not going anywhere.  Numbers are still increasing and our church is still taking precautions.  Recent days have led us to continue to hold off on resuming Choir and Bible Study Classes until August when we will re-evaluate.  Here is our updated  three-phase plan. Updated July 1, 2020 Sunday's Schedule 9:45 am - Praise Team Sound Check 10:15 am - Doors Open, People Are Seated (With Direction) 10:30 am - Service Begins 11:00 am - Service Dismisses (With directions) * Activity pages and crayons will be available for children who want them . We will still continue to broadcast via Facebook Live  on Sundays and Wednesday nights. I want to thank all who have been patient with us, continued to support us and kept the faith during these tough days.  We will continue to use wisdom and discretion as forge on in future days!  God is good! Pastor James *A downloadable pdf of the plan can be found here .