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Showing posts from April, 2019

Pastor's Post - April

As we approach our Easter Services, we are walking through a worship series that lays out the power of the gospel message. Andy Stanley wrote a book called “Principle of Path”. The main premise of this book is that wherever the road you are on leads, that is where it will take you.   Just as you cannot expect to end up in California by taking I-26 east, you cannot expect God’s blessings while walking a road that does not lead to Him.   In Luke 24 we find two disciples walking down the road to Emmaus which was seven miles from Jerusalem where Jesus had been crucified and buried. News of Jesus’ resurrection had traveled among those who believed in Him. As they were walking down the road, they were talking about all the events they had seen and heard relating to Jesus. Suddenly, a man they did not recognize started walking behind them. After spending some time with them, Jesus revealed Himself as the Risen Savior.   Notice what the scripture says: (Luke 24:31-3...

Easter Sunday Schedule

Easter Sunday Schedule Sunday, April 21 8:45 AM   Prayer Meeting 9:30 AM   Bible Study 10:30 AM   Morning Worship Service There will not be any evening activities or worship service Come join us as we worship our Risen Savior! 

Mission Action - April

Mission Action Our Mission Action Project for the month of April is for “Hospice of The Upstate”. They can use: Saltine Crackers, Individual Fruit Cups, Jell-O, Applesauce, Coffee (Regular and Decaf), Paper Towels, Plastic Spoons, Small Paper Plates, Small Styrofoam Cups, and Small Styrofoam Bowls. Please leave any of these items in the Bible Study Office.    

Birthdays and Anniversaries

Birthdays Nancy Nixon       4/3 Linda McLees     4/6 Faye Watts         4/7 Kaitie Hansen     4/9 Pansy Nix           4/21 Martha Morgan   4/26 Anniversaries Newt & Sherry Partain     4/27