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Showing posts from September, 2014

Revival Recap for Monday 2014

Revival Recap Day 2 September 29th, 2014 I am so thankful for Dwayne Morris coming to share with us truths out of the book of Judges 6-8 that lead us to live an outrageous life.  He encouraged us to move out of our reluctant "comfort" zone into a more powerful "growth" zone.  God loves us too much to stay where we are.  He always has another step, greater task and blessing in store for his children.  Our Worship Choir sang a choral arrangement  of the Newsboy's anthem "We Believe" as well as other heartfelt hymns and choruses. Tonight Rev. Mark Cannon will be preaching and our Worship Choir will continue to lead us into the presence of God.  I hope you can attend tonight.  We will begin at 7:00!  In Him, Pastor James

Revival Recap for Sunday 2014

Revival Recap Day 1 September 28th, 2014 Everyone who attended our "Revival At The Park" services yesterday were blessed by hearing the gospel in music and spoken word.  We are so thankful to Ruby McCowan & The Combined Mass Choir, Dr. Ron Fousek, Dr, Wilton and our own Worship Choir for leading us to the throne of God.  Many hearts are being touched as God reminds us that He is not finished with us as individuals or a church. He is always making His name known and giving us the opportunity to proclaim His love to those around us. Tonight Dwayne Morris will be sharing way we can live an outrageous life for God. To learn more about how God is using Dwayne, check out his website, Our Worship Choir will also be leading us in praise to God with hymns, choruses and the anthem "We Believe". We begin at 7:00 pm. I hope to see you there! In Him, Pastor James

Are You Ready For Revival?

Revival begins in our heart and life. Here is an outline for you to prepare yourself for God to speak to you during our "Revival At The Park" (September 28 - Oct 1) Invest An hour spent in prayer, praise and reflection STEP ONE - PREPARE Set a time, pick a place, prepare with a bible and something to record your time with God to go back and review what He has said. Do not let His words fall on rocky soil. [Mark 4:1-20] Can You PREPARE One Hour For Prayer? [Matthew 26:40-41] 40 Then He came to the disciples and found them sleeping. He asked Peter, “So, couldn't you stay awake with Me one hour? 41 Stay awake and pray, so that you won’t enter into temptation. The spirit is willing, but the flesh is weak.” Answer These Questions: How does this passage illustrate the fact that Jesus invites us to “join” him in prayer? How do you feel knowing Jesus did not chastise the disciples for not praying but rather encouraged them to keep trying?

Pictures from the Saluda Baptist Association Senior Fall Festival

View The Picture Album Here

Weekly Youth Update: 9/22 - 9/28

Last week we had a great time discussing God’s desire for our relationships with our parents. This week, we turn to relationships with friends. Bible study starts at 6:30 and lasts until 7:30. The Family Life Center opens at 6:00 for anyone wanting to hang out. We hope to see you there! Starting Sunday, September 28, and lasting until Wednesday, October 1, Homeland Park Baptist Church is hosting our yearly revival meeting. Services begin at 7:00 each night. We hope that you join us and please be in prayer for revival within our church and an awakening within our community! The Wednesday, October 1, revival service is youth night! My friend, Miguel Chavis, will be speaking and Mosaic from Anderson University will be leading worship. The service will begin at 7:00 with a pizza dinner before at 6:30. Finally, the Homeland Park youth will join other area churches for the ENGAGE student rally from November 14-16 at Camp Longridge in Ridgeway, South Carolina! The cost is $99

Jason Elvington Preaches During The Reboot Sermon Series

Thank you Jason for sharing God's word with us last night in our evening worship service.  It was great to tag team the pm "Reboot" series from Romans with you.  It is important for every believer to remember that when we accept Jesus Christ as our Savior and Lord, we become unified with Him. ( Romans 6:1-7 ).  Jesus does not leave us alone to "figure" out our faith or wish us the best of luck.  He forever infuses Himself into our life and sets us free from the curse of sin.  My favorite point was: "God not only forgives us of our sins, He pulls us out of them!" We are fortunate to have you reaching out to our youth and families as our Youth Pastor.  God is using you and Elizabeth in mighty ways.  GREAT JOB! In Him, Pastor James

Praying for Revival Part 2

As our "Revival At The Park" approaches, we must prepare ourselves for the work God wants to do because revival be​gin​s in the life of the believer. For this week please pray for the following areas: Pray​ for our church leadership as they prepare for the revival services.   Pray that our promotion and outreach efforts will be fruitful. Pray for the musicians as they practice the message in song that God has laid on their heart. ​ Pray for protection over the speakers; for their safety as they travel and hearts as they prepare to share God's word.

The Determined Sermon Series Resumes This Sunday

"Every Christian ministry is one generation away from oblivion. We must be intentional, be on our guard, live the gospel and share it!." I will be unpacking this and more as we continue our Determined series. We will be in Nehemiah 7. Don't let all the names confuse you, there are some life changing truths in the text. See you Sunday AM at 10:30 am. In Him, Pastor James

Would You Like To Serve As A Messenger?

Each year our members have an opportunity to serve as messengers on behalf of our church to the Saluda Baptist Association.  What does a messenger do? Messengers are members who are in good standing with the church. Messengers represent our church at Saluda Baptist Association meetings for a term of one year by speaking on our behalf and voting. (Our church is allowed 15 messengers) Let Pastor James know this Sunday (September 21) if you are interested in serving as a messenger.

Weekly Youth Update 9/15 - 9/22

Wednesday night, we continue our “Relationships” series by studying how we interact with our parents. The discussions have been a  blessing thus far and we look forward to continuing to grow closer to the Lord as we understand how He wants us to live! Bible study lasts from 6:30-7:30 and the gym doors open at 6:00 for anyone wanting to hang out! We look forward to seeing you there! Revival at the Park, our church-wide revival, will be September 28 – October 1. The services begin at 7:00 each night. The last night, Wednesday, October 1, is youth night! Miguel Chavis will be sharing God’s Word with us as Mosaic from Anderson University leads us in worship. Prior to the youth night service, we will host a pizza dinner in the Family Life Center at 6:30! We hope that you’ll join us and please be in prayer that revival will occur in our church and that salvation will spread through Homeland Park! The Homeland Park youth will join other area churches for the ENGAGE student rally

Praying For Revival Part 1

As our "Revival At The Park" approaches, we must prepare ourselves for the work God wants to do because revival begins in the life of the believer before the church. For this week please pray for the following areas: Pray for Revival to begin in our hearts. Pray that God will give each speaker the appropriate message to be delivered. Pray that people's hearts will be drawn to the services.

Congratulations To Al Harrell our Newly Ordained Deacon

We would like to congratulate Al Harrell on his deacon ordination this morning. We look forward to seeing God work through you. (Al on left, Pastor James on right)

Senior Adult Fall Festival on September 23rd

Senior Adult Fall Festival (Saluda Baptist Association) Chiquola Baptist Church 405 E Greer St,  Honea Path Tuesday,  September 23rd 10:30 AM Tickets $8.00 each  Those who have purchased tickets will meet at church at 9:30 am to ride the bus. Entertainment: Anderson County Outreach Entertainers Ticket price includes a catered lunch of Turkey, Dressing & Gravy, Cranberry Sauce, Macaroni & Cheese, Green Beans, Roll, Banana Pudding and Tea. Tickets money should be given to Bobbie Eskew by today. This event is sponsored by the Saluda Baptist Association.

Special Guests Share How God Is Working Around The World This Sunday Night

This Sunday evening, September 14, we have a special Sunday evening service at the church at 6:00! Two guests will be sharing about the work God is doing in Africa! We cannot publicize more than this concerning the nature of their work. This will be an encouraging time of worship, prayer, and fellowship as we learn more about the work God is doing around the world and how we can serve Him in Homeland Park!

Deacon Ordination Service for Al Harrell

I am excited to lead the church in ordaining Al Harrell as a deacon for service in our church. God has been working in Al's life in many ways and we look forward to see God work through his leadership.  The ordination will take place during our morning worship time this Sunday (September 14) at 10:30 am.  Come prepared to give and receive a blessing as God continues to raise up leadership in HPBC. Also, please pray for Al during this exciting time of his life. In Him, Pastor James

Weekly Youth Update: 9/8 - 9/14

Wednesday night, the Homeland Park youth will continue the “Relationships” study with a study of how people are to live with one another. In the coming weeks, we will look at relationships with parents and friends as well as dating and marriage. The discussion has been great thus far and I hope you’ll join us tomorrow night for our study! We meet in the loft of the Family Life Center from 6:30-7:30 and the gym opens at 6:00 for anyone wanting to hang out! This Sunday evening, September 14, we have a special Sunday evening service at the church at 6:00! Two guests will be sharing about the work God is doing in Africa! This will be an encouraging time of worship, prayer, and fellowship as we learn more about the work God is doing around the world and how we can serve Him in Homeland Park! Revival at the Park, our church-wide revival, will be September 28 – October 1. The services begin at 7:00 each night. The last night, Wednesday, October 1, is youth night! Miguel Chavis wi

Special Sunday Night Service

This Sunday night, September 14, we will have a special service in the sanctuary at 6:00! Joining us during our worship service are two individuals who will share about the work God is doing in Africa which will encourage us as we serve in Homeland Park. You will not want to miss this great time of fellowship, prayer, and worship as we learn more about what God is doing around the world!

Janie Chapman Missions March is This Sunday

In 1902, Janie Weston Chapman was elected the first president of Woman's Missionary Union, Auxiliary to South Carolina Baptist Convention. She was the wife of a prominent upstate pastor, J.D. Chapman. In 1937, WMU's state missions offering was named "The Mrs. J.D. Chapman Offering for State Interests" to honor Mrs. Chapman's strong missions leadership. In 1985, the name was changed to the "Janie Chapman Offering." Week of Prayer - September 14th-21st Mission March "Offering Collection" - September 21st Our Goal: $1,000 Envelopes are in the pews. More Info On The Offering and How It Is Used Can Be Found HERE

Weekly Youth Update: 9/1 - 9/7

This Wednesday night, the Homeland Park youth will begin our “Relationships” study series. During the next several weeks, we will begin a Scriptural study of the different relationships we experience. Our relationship to God, parents, friends, church, non-believers, and self will be among the topics. Additionally, we will have an in-depth look at dating and marriage. We are very excited to see how God’s transforms us as we examine His Word. Our Bible study takes place from 6:30-7:30 Wednesday night and the Family Life Center will open at 6:00 for anyone wanting to hang out! We hope that you will be able to join us for what is always a great time of fellowship, worship, and fun! Homeland Park Baptist Church’s annual revival is September 28-October 1. Each night will be a great opportunity for worship and growing in God and we hope that you are able to come out. Wednesday, October 1, is our youth night and my friend Miguel Chavis will be teaching God’s Word with Mosaic from An

Missions Actions and Emphasis for September 2014

Our Mission Action projects for the month of September are our Church Pantry and Operation Christmas Child . Replenishing our Church Pantry Did you know we keep a small church pantry stocked with food for the needy when they come to our church looking for help.  It is located near our back entrance inside the kitchenette. You can receive the blessing of feeding people right in our community with the simple donation of food. With colder weather coming we will have a greater need for soups and canned meats . Operation Christmas Child The items for the Operation Christmas Child Emphasis for September are T-Shirts, Hard Candy, Lollipops, Mints, Gum, (please place all candy in a Ziploc bag) Sunglasses, Hair Clips, Watches and Flashlights (include extra Batteries). We will be packing our Shoe Boxes in October at the regular WMU Meeting. Please leave any of these items in the Bible Study Office.