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Showing posts from May, 2013

RECAP: Seniors Trip To Unicoi State Park in Helen, Georgia

Our Senior Saints had a great time last week in Helen, GA.  Everyone ate a delicious lunch buffet at Unicoi State Park, then went into town for a little shopping.  They loved getting away and spending time together.  An extra blessing was having Pastor Phil Sears from Freedom Center donating his time and church bus to take us!  Great memories, greater people, and a great God! Group Photo After Lunch Lunch Is Served Ellen enjoying some down time. Robert always has a smile. Letting The Food Settle Pastor Phil Giving Us A Holy Ghost Moment. Linda Photo Bombing Faye, Patsy and Bobbie Pastor James taking a photo op with Mrs Frances (Robert's Wife) Pastor James sent this to his wife Donna who had to work to let her know she was missed. Downtown 1 Downtown 2 Downtown 3 The Bus Ride Home

Re-Evaluating God

Listen or Share Pastor James' Message from Sunday Pastor James continues his "Intimacy with God" series with a message that calls believers to bring their priorities in line with God.  We become more intimate with God when we experience Him.  We experience Him by placing Him at the top of our priorities because our priorities reveal what we truly value. Life Question: What determines the level of intimacy I can achieve in my relationship with God? Sermon Notes Available at

Youth Afterglow to Fuddruckers on May 26

Pastor James and his wife Donna want to spend some time with our youth (grades 6-college age) after church Sunday night to get to know them better.  What better way to do that than over food.  Any youth, parents and leaders that would like to go, come to the van after the evening service on Sunday night (May 26th)  It's dutch treat so bring some money to eat and a friend.

New Sermon Series Intimacy With God Begins Sunday

Have you ever felt like God was distant?  We live in a culture where everything seeks to occupy the altar of our heart. This is a place that is reserved for God alone.  Many times by our own choice or the influence of others we slowly drift away in our fellowship with God.  Unfortunately, we view "Intimacy" in a physical setting.  Intimacy is not just about sex. Intimacy is marked by being in a close relationship with God. He is not one of our many relationships but the one that all others spawn and benefit from.  God is personal and interested in you.  You may feel forgotten but rest assured God has never forgotten you.  He wants you and I to place him in His appropriate position in our lives.  God wants to have a relationship with you, not based on what you do for Him but what He has done for you.  Don't miss this four week series on Sunday mornings at 10:30 am beginning May 19th.

Cross Ministries Needs A Hand Sorting Food

Cross Ministries has had twelve tons of food donated to the community food bank.  Volunteers are needed on Monday's, Wednesday's and Friday's from 9:00 am - Noon a t the food bank to help organize the food.

Renewal & Revival - May 19-22

Sponsored by our Saluda Baptist Association We will be joining other churches in our association for revival evening services on Sunday, May 19th or Wednesday, May 22nd at their campuses. Sunday, May 19th 6:30 PM Concord Baptist Church Speaker: Rev. Mike Moody, Senior Pastor - First Baptist Honea Path Monday, May 20th 6:30 PM First Baptist Church, Iva Speaker: Rev. Tony Smith, Senior Pastor - New Prospect Baptist Church Tuesday, May 21st New Prospect Baptist Church Speaker: Rev. Jerry Gray, Senior Pastor - First Baptist Church, Iva Wednesday, May 22 6:30 PM First Baptist Church, Honea Path Speaker: Dr. Don R. Cox, Senior Pastor - Concord Baptist Church For more information, see the church bulletin board. The church van will be available to shuttle to any of these events, please sign up on the bulletin board in the church hallway or call the church office (864) 296-9751 if you need a ride.

Why Do Bad Things Happen?

Each day we are saturated with news of bad things happening in our world, nation, and community. Often I am asked, “Why does God let bad things happen to good people?” There is a lot of theology in that questions but in times of hurt, theology does not do much to take away the pain and fear. How can one wrap their minds around an event like 9/11, the Atlanta Olympics Bombing, the Boston Marathon Bombing and constant terrorism in other countries? Questions like, “Is God really in control?” “Is God really all powerful, knowing and loving?” The bigger question would be “Why?” We will not get the answer to that question until we get to heaven. The Bible says that fully understanding God is impossible (Isaiah 55:8) but, through God’s word we can make sense of tragedy in this world. Four Reasons For Bad Things Happening 1.  We Are Human (Sin) - Genesis 3:17-19 & 22  Sin affects everyone. God’s punishment of sin is more than justification of a wrong action.  Adam a...