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Showing posts from January, 2019

Spaghetti and Scripture on Jan 30th

Spaghetti and Scripture Wednesday Night (January 30th) A Free Spaghetti Dinner Will Be Served At Wednesday Night Bible Study This Week. Joe Hansen will be treating us to a Spaghetti Dinner to accompany our Bible Study.  We begin at 6:30 pm.  This would be a great night to come out to Bible study to fill your stomach and your soul.

All-In: Leadership Vision Night

ALL-IN: LEADERSHIP VISION NIGHT Tuesday, January 15 7:00 PM   In The Family Life Center This gathering is an invitation to all who serve at HPBC in a position or those who are interested in serving to come together to discuss, plan and pray for the new year.  Pastor James will present various events and themes for the year to get your input and ideas as the vision is cast for 2019. Light refreshments will be provided and the gathering will last no more than an hour.

Mission Action for January

Our Mission Action Project for the month of January will be for the Anderson Pregnancy Center. Save all the items you get and bring them on January 26 to the Baby Shower in the Family Life Center. We will have a drop-in shower from 10:00 AM until 12:00 Noon. Please do not wrap the items. Mrs. Audrey Shaw will be with us for any questions or discussion that arises.  

WMU Prayer Emphasis for January

North American Mission Board:  Alaska, Pamela Strickland International Mission Board:  State Convention Missionaries “PRAY WITHOUT CEASING”

Birthdays and Anniversaries for January

Birthdays Robert Holcombe            1/1 Robert Hanks                 1/8 Sandra Martin                 1/15 Crystal Williams              1/16 Clair Stamps                   1/19 Catherine Dean               1/21 Thomas Keaton             1/30 Marian Keys                   1/31 Sherry Partain                 1/31 Anniversaries Robert & Frances Holco...