Vacation Bible School has been an amazing outreach for our church this week. It has blessed my heart to see the number of children who have attended. God is showing all of us that He has a plan for Homeland Park Baptist Church. All of our VBS leaders have gone above and beyond to make VBS great. Thank you God for the number of children who made a decision for your son Jesus Christ. I look forward to our church following up with them and their families. Secondly, this month our deacons will begin the nomination process to fill two positions that are rotating off and two that are open for a total of four deacons. I urge all of our members to pray and seek God’s guidance in nominating men who can carry out the mission of the church. Acts 6 tells us that the first deacons were installed to help in the spreading of the Gospel. That is what we are to do as believers and as a church. God is growing HPBC and we will need all leadership in every area doing their part. Everyone ha...
Connecting Lives With God and Others!