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Showing posts from June, 2013

Pastor's Post for July "He Continues To Amaze"

Vacation Bible School has been an amazing outreach for our church this week. It has blessed my heart to see the number of children who have attended. God is showing all of us that He has a plan for Homeland Park Baptist Church. All of our VBS leaders have gone above and beyond to make VBS great. Thank you God for the number of children who made a decision for your son Jesus Christ. I look forward to our church following up with them and their families. Secondly, this month our deacons will begin the nomination process to fill two positions that are rotating off and two that are open for a total of four deacons. I urge all of our members to pray and seek God’s guidance in nominating men who can carry out the mission of the church. Acts 6 tells us that the first deacons were installed to help in the spreading of the Gospel. That is what we are to do as believers and as a church. God is growing HPBC and we will need all leadership in every area doing their part. Everyone ha...

Mission Emphasis for July

Mission Action Our Mission Action Project for the month of July will be for Shalom House Ministries , Inc. of Anderson. Shalom House is a transitional home for women in recovery from drugs and alcohol. Their home needs are: coffee, creamer, sugar, paper towels, Ziploc bags, Soft Scrub with Bleach, liquid laundry products (Tide or Wisk with Bleach), Clorox, sponges and scouring pads. They have a Thrift Store and they can use clean, useable clothing for men, women, boys and girls, shoes, belts, pocket books, books, hats, jewelry, dishes, etc. Please leave these items in the Sunday School Office.

Birthdays and Anniversaries for July

BIRTHDAYS Cecil Gilbert                   3-Jul Margaret Brickman         4-Jul Juan Martin                    5-Jul Randy Brown                 7-Jul Lori Brown                    15-Jul Kelsey Keaton                18-Jul Briana Harmon              19-Jul Margaret Huggins           23-Jul Raymond Duncan           23-Jul James Jones...

Thank You Letters From Our Members for July

Thank you to everyone for being so good to me during my time at Homeland Park Baptist Church. I look forward to being closer to my son, but will always have you in my heart. Sincerely, Margie Purdy In every way we accept this with all gratitude. Through the love and caring of The Homeland Park Baptist Church family we felt Christ. Words do not express how sincerely blessed the Millard Hart family feels to have you touch our lives and how grateful we are for all you did for us that gave us the time together to grieve and remember our loved one Joan Hart Smith. A special thanks to all from our family to yours! Rennie Morrell Acts 24:3 Thank you so much for the kindness you showed to our family by serving us lunch after the funeral of our loved one, Joan Hart Smith. Of course, the food was delicious, but we are most grateful for your love and support during our time of grief. People like you keep our church, community and country strong by sharing the love of Christ. Thanks al...

Deacon Nominations Begin July 7th

The Deacons of our church would like to announce the beginning of the nomination process to fill four vacant positions among our deacon board. In order to serve as a deacon, one must have been a Christian and active member of HPBC for at least two years and show evidence of the qualifications listed below: Good reputation (Acts 6:3) Full of the Spirit (Acts 6:3) Full of wisdom (Acts 6:3) Full of faith (Acts 6:5) Worthy of respect (1 Tim. 3:8) Sincere (1 Tim. 3:8) Not indulging in much wine (1 Tim. 3:8) Not pursuing dishonest gain (1 Tim. 3:8) Holding the deep truths of the faith with clear conscience (1 Tim. 3:9) Tested (1 Tim. 3:10) Beyond reproach (1 Tim. 3:10) Husband of but one wife (1 Tim. 3:12) Managing his children and his household well (1 Tim. 3:12) Great boldness in the faith (1 Tim. 3:13) In addition to these qualifications, deacons should be in agreement with the statement of faith of the Church as referenced in the Church Constitution and Bylaws. A...

We Are Inviting Our VBS Families To Our Family Worship Night This Sunday

We want to invite our Vacation Bible School students and their families to join us for a "Family Worship Night" this Sunday, June 30th at 6:00 PM. Our VBS students will perform a song from VBS for the church and their families and enjoy hotdogs and ice cream afterwards. If you need a ride, please call: Pastor James at (864) 332-9175 Family Worship Night Link:

Vacation Bible School Is In Full Swing

Last night marked the beginning of Vacation Bible School for us. It is such a blessing to see so many adults and children in Bible study having fun and learning about God. If you know of someone who would benefit from this please bring them by. VBS starts in the fellowship hall at 6:00 pm with a snack, then concludes with parents picking up their students at the front entrance of our sanctuary. VBS runs through Thursday night! Hope to see you here! Our VBS Crew did an amazing job on the decorations. Worship Rally Everything Is Better With Pizza Cheese Bailey giving proof that hanging out at VBS is fun! Thank you God for blessing us so richly. Our snack crew will be serving up love for our VBS'ers everyday! Angie teach her class while they sit in a roller coaster. We provide a nursery for our workers. Tonight's craft was making "fireworks" pens.  No one was hurt :) Ready To Learn Miss Tammy teaching miss...

Where Do You Look For Wisdom? Join us for Bible Study Sunday!

Where do you look for wisdom - internet, television, your parents, your pastor, the Bible? The Lord is the wisdom giver. Join us on Sunday during our 9:30 am Bible Study to discover the wisdom giving principles found in His word taught by passionate teachers.

Moving From A Walking Track To A Praying Track

God has blessed our church with a great track and recreational area. Many from our church and community come to walk around our track each day. In an effort to maximize that which God has blessed us with, we are placing an emphasis of prayer around our track. We want our church body to pray for those walking around the track and those walking around the track to pray for our church. In a first step effort, we have made the following yard signs and will place one in each corner of the track . We will pray specifically for these signs, our track as well as our Vacation Bible School on Sunday morning during our prayer time.  Following the am worship service I will invite our members to place the signs on the track.  May God use these for His purpose and may you begin to pray for those walking on our track. In Christ, Pastor James

Family Worship Night and Churn-Off

On Sunday night, June 30th, we will be having Family Worship Night. This is an opportunity for anyone – young or old – to use the talents or abilities God has given them to praise and worship His name. Whatever gift God has given you – singing, playing an instrument, interpretive dance, poetry, drama, comedy, etc. – we would love for you to share it in this praise service. There will be a sign-up sheet on the bulletin board in the Choir Room. Please sign up and be a part of this Family Worship Night! After worship, we will be having hot dogs and homemade ice cream. Our members are asked to bring a churn of your favorite ice cream to be judged in our “Churn-Off”. Prizes will be awarded all in fun :)

Mission Action for June

Our Mission Action Project for the month of June is for Richard Campbell Veteran’s Nursing Home. They can use: Toothbrushes, Toothpaste, Individual Size Snacks (any kind), Canned Drinks, Combs and Brushes, Hand and Body Lotion, Denture Cups with Lids, Diabetic Candy, Moon Pies (any flavor), After Shave Splash or Lotion (Old Spice, English Leather, etc) and Kleenex. Please leave any of these in the Sunday School Office.

Taking A Day Off and Summer Office Schedule

Dear Church Family, I wanted to take a moment to update you on a few changes that myself and the deacons have made in our summer scheduling. First, I am going to establish Fridays as my Sabbath "Day Off". I have come to the realization that to minister more effectively, I need this time not only for my walk with Christ but my family as well. Secondly, our church office will be closed on Fridays for the summer. (Effective June 21 - August 30th). At the end of the summer, myself and the deacons will evaluate this schedule at the August 18th meeting. If a church member has an immediate need on a Friday, they can call the deacon of the week (Their schedule and information can be found in our weekly bulletins and monthly newsletters) . Our Deacon of the week will either handle the situation or refer it to the appropriate person, including myself. I will always be available in emergencies. It is my privilege to be your Pastor. Thank you for your understanding and support...

Worship As A Family This Father's Day

Make this Father's day a great one by worshiping God as a family at your church. If you don't have one, please visit us. We start at 10:30 am. Sunday's message is for everyone. Is it fair that a generation of families grew up with Television Dad's making parenting look so easy?

Presenting Jason Elvington To Be Our Youth Minister This Sunday

UPDATE!!!! Our church family is giving praise to God for bringing Jason Elvington to HPBC as our new Youth Minister. He along with his wife Elizabeth have already made a huge impact on our youth and church in just one Sunday. God's work was confirmed by a unanimous vote from our congregation to call him for the part-time position. Jason plans to begin his ministry here on Sunday, July, 14th. Thank you Youth Minister Search Committee for your tireless efforts, prayers and support. God is Good! -------------------- The Youth Minister Search Committee is excited to present Jason Elvington to our congregation for a vote on June 9th as our Youth Minister. Any youth or parents that would like to meet Jason and his wife, Elizabeth, may come to the youth Sunday School room on the 2nd floor between 9:15 - 10:15 am. Jason will teach the youth during that hour. Everyone will get to meet Jason and hear his testimony during our morning worship service at 10:30 AM. A vote will be ta...

Thank You To Echoes of Mercy

Our congregation was blessed last night through the singing and ministry of "Echoes of Mercy" Thank you Brian, Laura, your daughter and Kevin for sharing your lives with us. Many of our people remarked on how much they enjoyed it. For more information on Echoes of Mercy or to request them to come to your church, reach them at their website .


VACATION BIBLE SCHOOL Sunday, June 23rd – Thursday, June 27th 6:00 - 8:30 PM A meal will be served nightly at 6:00 PM. VBS will begin at 6:30 PM, with classes available for children ages 3 through 5th grade.