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Showing posts from February, 2019

Annie Armstrong Easter Offering

Annie Armstrong Easter Offering  Week of Prayer for North American Missions March 3 - 10 Annie Armstrong Guest Speaker Sunday, March 3 During the Morning Worship Service. G uest Speaker: Randy Creamer   (Disaster Relief for State Convention and Former NAMB Missionary) He will be sharing information concerning the Annie Armstrong Offering.  HPBC Mission March Sunday, March 10 During the Morning Worship Service  Our Goal: $1,000

Notes of Praise - February

Oh, the overwhelming, never-ending, reckless love of God! There is nothing we can do to earn it - there is nothing that we have ever done or will ever do to deserve it, BUT He gives it anyway! February is the month of love and nobody ever has or ever will love us more than our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, who gave himself away for us. Come join us in Worship this month as we celebrate a love that will not let us go! Tammy,  Worship Leader 

Pastor's Post - February

Focus On What Brings Us Together There is no doubt that we live in a world today that is bent on dividing us. We are divided by politics, wealth, race, denomination, sexuality and more. Everyone wants their viewpoint to be the “right” viewpoint and anyone who differs with their “perceived truth” must tolerate it. Somehow in this divided and volatile culture we as believers are not only commanded to take the gospel message to this world, (Matthew 26:16-20), we are expected to live it. Paul knew what it was like to take the gospel message of Jesus Christ to a divided culture. Note Paul’s approach in Ephesians 1:3 “All praise to God, the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who has blessed us with every spiritual blessing in the heavenly realms because we are united with Christ.” These “spiritual blessings” are given to all those who have claimed Jesus Christ as their Savior and Lord. They are meant to be used to bring believers together and witness to those who want to ...

Birthdays and Anniversaries for February

February Birthdays Anna Artman                  2/3 Ashleigh Dickson            2/5 Phyllis Swaney                2/10 February Anniversaries Dwain & Bertha Lyon     2/28

Mission Action for February

Our Mission Action Project for the month of February is for Under His Wings. This is an eight-week in-house program for women with life controlling addictions and is a ministry of Haven of Rest. They can use: Canned Fruit and Vegetables, Coffee (Regular and Decaf), Sugar, Creamer, Sweet ‘N Low Sweetener, Paper Plates, Paper Cups, Kleenex, Bathroom Tissue, Snack Items, Kool-Aid, Microwave Popcorn, Good Christian Books and Bibles (Preferably NIV), and Clean and Useable Dresses for Church (Sizes 16, 18, and 20). Please leave any of these items in the Bible Study Office.  

WMU Prayer Emphasis for February

North American Mission Board: Indianapolis, Barry & Amy Rager & their four children All Chaplains & Volunteers “PRAY WITHOUT CEASING”

Valentine's Homebound Mission & Dinner

Sunday, February 10 4:00 - 6:00 PM  Our homebound members are a very special part of our church family. They have led in our church in their healthier years and continue to pray for us, encourage us and give to see the Lord’s work continue here. This year we want to let them know how much they mean to us.   Here is our mission: * Connect with your bible study leader to get the names of our homebound list. Write them little notes, card or get them little gifts. *February 6th (Wednesday Night) We will incorporate a time to collect all of your valentines and gifts to deliver to our homebound members on February 10th (Sunday Afternoon) *February 10th (Sunday Afternoon) * 4:00 - 6:00 PM:   Meet at the church to gather in groups to deliver the valentines gift bags to our homebound members. (We will need drivers and riders. The bus will run as well) * 6:00 PM: Return to the fellowship hall to share our stories of what we saw God do through t...

Souper Bowl Sunday

Souper Bowl Food Pantry Drive Sunday February 03 Did you know we have an emergency food pantry to help people in our community who need food? We have had many requests in recent months so it’s time to restock it. We are in need of canned goods and non perishables. Soups, Chef Boyardee Meals, Ramen Noodles, and condensed milk are great items. We are asking our church family to bring some donations for our food pantry on Super Bowl Sunday, February 03. Thank you for helping in this way.