Many who know me, know that Dr. Ron Dunn is one of my favorite authors, preachers and evangelists. I go back and often listen to his sermons. He has a way of placing you right in the middle of the Bible text he is covering. He is in heaven now, but his legacy continues. I remember him teaching a seminary workshop on God having His way with His servants. He was covering the life of Jacob where he wrestled with God (Genesis 32). As I was looking back through some notes, I saw this quote that I would like to share with you this month. He said, ““Why do I find it easier to say ‘no’ to the devil when he tempts me than to say ‘yes’ to God when He’s wrestling with me?” Saying yes to God is often difficult because you know that a wrestling match will ensue. You may be wrestling with a decision, a situation, something beyond your control, maybe even yourself. It is important to remember that God changed Jacob in that struggle. He gave him the...
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