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Showing posts from March, 2013

Birthdays and Anniversaries for April

BIRTHDAYS Chris Broadwell              2-Apr Joan Whitlock                2-Apr Amanda Wooten            2-Apr Linda McLees                 6-Apr Dallas Todd                   6-Apr Faye Watts                    7-Apr Bettye Morris                 11-Apr Tina Nichols                   15-Apr Windy Broadwell            19-Apr...

The Record Speaks For March 2013

THE RECORD SPEAKS   2/24 Sunday School Attendance        68 AM Worship Attendance            78 PM Worship Attendance            38 Budgeted Offerings         $3,071.26 Benevolence Giving              $26.00 World Hunger Giving             $9.00 3/3 Sunday School Attendance        63 AM Worship Attendance            73 PM Worship Attendance            34 Budgeted Offeri            $4,995.93 Annie Armstrong Giving      $25.00 Benevolence Giving             $34.00 Janie Chapman Giving      ...

Senior Adult Spring Fling April 16th

Senior Adult Spring Fling Tuesday, April 16th 10:30 AM Unity Baptist Church, Starr, SC Music and Storyteller – Rev. David Shirley Catered Lunch:  Turkey, Dressing, Macaroni & Cheese, Green Beans, Cranberry Sauce, Banana Pudding and Tea.  Tickets are $8.00 each and include a catered lunch. Please turn in your money to Bobbie Eskew by Sunday Night (March 31st) Those attending will meet at the church and leave by 10:00 AM . For more information, see the church bulletin board. View Larger Map This event is sponsored by our  Saluda Baptist Association

The Law Was Called To Our Senior Adult Faith Fellowship

Our Senior Adults had the opportunity to hear from Daryl Loftis who is a Regional Captain with the Anderson County Sheriff's Department. He taught them how to take precautions to be safer and watch out for one another in our community.  The food, fellowship and information was a real blessing to all who attended.

Children's Easter Party and Egg Hunt This Saturday

EASTER PARTY & EGG HUNT Saturday, March 30th 10:00 AM - 12:00 Noon Fun Crafts, Snacks and Prize Eggs. For children through 5th grade. *Donations and Volunteers Needed.  Candy donations are needed for the hunt. No chocolate, please. A couple of volunteers are needed to be at the Easter Party by 9:00 AM to setup and hide eggs. If you can help, please let Mary Lou Finley know.

Cross Ministries Community Easter Celebration at HPBC TONIGHT!

COMMUNITY EASTER CELEBRATION Thursday, March 21st 7:00 PM Homeland Park Baptist Church Preaching Rev. Wendell Bannister, Pastor of Orrville Baptist Church Worship Led by the Homeland Park BC Music Ministry Canned goods will be collected to restock the Cross Ministries Food Pantry

Spring Forward By Setting Your Clocks Ahead One Hour Tonight

A reminder to everyone to set your clocks ahead one hour tonight. Don't be late for Sunday School or Church tomorrow! It's going to be a great day and you don't want to miss it!

Help Us Help You By Updating Your Records With Us


Chocolate Bunnies

Do you remember getting an Easter basket as a child?  In the midst of all the colored eggs, plastic grass and loose wrapped candy there sat the CHOCOLATE BUNNY!.  I was in chocolate heaven as I gazed at that mound of chocolaty goodness. I remember the disappointment of discovering the bunny was not ALL chocolate. it was inside.  As we continue our morning series through Ecclesiastes we find our life is full of chocolate bunnies.  Things we think will bring satisfaction only leave us empty and unfulfilled.  King Solomon teaches that everything apart from God is temporary and fleeting.  Know that God loves you and wants to be the one thing that fills your life completely if you let him.  Join us as we make this Life Revolution! Commit to memorizing this statement: "My worth is not found in the toys I accumulate or the titles I achieve but only in the testimony of what Christ has done for me, in me and through me."

Special Gifts In February

Building Fund Giving In Memory of Stanley Watts By Anderson County Finance Department By Mr. & Mrs. Sammy Chapman and Family By Piedmont Natural Gas Regular Offering In Memory of William Simmons By Odell & Shirley Williams In Memory of Stanley Watts By Betty Sanders

Mission Action For March

Our Mission Action Project for the month of March will be for Hospice of the Upstate and the Hospice Thrift Store . The Hospice House can use any of the following: Saltine Crackers, Large Styrofoam Cups, Small Styrofoam Bowls, Small Paper Plates, Plastic Spoons, Paper Towels, Coffee (not instant), Individual Cups of Fruit, Jell-o, and Applesauce. The Hospice Thrift Store will accept donations of the following: Women’s, Men’s and Children’s Clothing (clean and wearable), Shoes, Pocket Books, Ties, Belts, Jewelry, Furniture, Dishes, Pots and Pans, etc. Please leave any of these items in the Sunday School Office.

March Birthdays and Anniversaries

BIRTHDAYS Nancy Reeves                2-Mar Tylen McCullough           3-Mar Tammy Sanders             3-Mar Margie Purdy                 5-Mar Stephen Culbertson        6-Mar Dreanna Nichols             7-Mar Chris Marlow                 8-Mar Terry Allen                    9-Mar Bobbie Eskew               10-Mar Billy Mitchell     ...