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Showing posts from 2018

Ignite Youth Weekend

Ignite: Youth Weekend (January 18-20) Mark your calendars and save the date.  A group of Anderson University students will be assisting our church in leading a youth outreach weekend.  All of the activities will culminate with them leading our church in worship on January 20th in the am service.  There will be avenues for many to participate. We will need chaperones, prayer warriors, snack makers and more as we seek to reach out to this important group.  More details are coming on ways you can specifically help. If you have questions or ways to help, please see or email Pastor James ( )

Life Is All About Our Connections

IWe are connected to God by His hands creating us.  Because of sin, that connection was broken and now Jesus has restored that connection by offering Himself as a ransom “payment’ for our sins.  Those who accept Jesus as their personal Savior and Lord are connected to God through Jesus Christ. It seems simple to explain, but the weight of that is huge.  You and I did nothing to deserve being made right with God which makes the power of His mercy so great. With that being said, God created us to be connected to others as well as Himself.  With the mercy that He has offered to us, why would we not want to extend that same grace to others? There is no doubt that the level of hatred toward those that do not agree, is at an all time high.  We counter that hate with grace. God is calling you and I to use our connection with Him to connect Him with others. (Romans 10:14) 14 But how can they call on Him to save them unless they believe in Him? And how can ...

Join Us In Reading Through The Bible in 2019

Experience the insights and joy gained from reading the entire Bible. You can do it in as little as 15 minutes a day with The One Year ® Bible, the world's most popular annual reading Bible. Daily readings from the Old Testament, New Testament, Psalms, and Proverbs will guide you through God's Word in one year.

All Services Cancelled For Dec 9 Due To Weather

After assessing the road conditions and weather predictions for today, I have decided to cancel all Sunday scheduled activities for Dec 9.  I hope you stay warm and safe and  look forward to worshiping again with you soon.  God Bless! - Pastor James
Isaiah 9:6 - For unto us a child is born, unto us a son is given: and the government shall be upon his shoulder: and his name shall be called Wonderful, Counsellor, The mighty God, The everlasting Father, The Prince of Peace.

Birthdays and Anniversaries for December

DECEMBER BIRTHDAYS Deborah Forrester           12/4 Pat Cox                         12/8 Cindy Hanks                   12/12 Amber Taylor                  12/14 Rick Eubanks                  12/15 Bertha Lyon                    12/16 James Strickland             12/16 Ellen Black                      12/18 Patsy Fleming     ...

Mission Action for December

Our Mission Action for the month of December will be helping a family from Homeland Park Elementary School and another local family. Homeland Park Elementary School Family Carter - Boy – almost 2 years – boys’ size 2T Jaiden - Boy – 1st Grade – boys’ 7/8 pants, medium shirt, or 7/8 shirt Ja’nyah - Girl – age 4 – girls’ 6x pants or 7, medium shirt, or 6/7 shirt Any clothes or toys would be greatly appreciated. Mom and Dad are taking care of their shoes. Local Family Girl #1 – men’s XL shirt, men’s Large pants Girl #2 – girls’ junior small shirt, junior small pants Boy #1 – men’s pants 36Wx29L, medium shirt Boy #2 – boys’ large shirt, pants 7/8   Please wrap these presents and attach a name tag to package.

WMU Prayer Emphasis for December

North American Mission Board: Wyoming, Barbara Galloway International Mission Board: Joy Mitchell “PRAY WITHOUT CEASING”

Church-Wide Christmas Fellowship

Sunday, December 16  f ollowing the Morning Worship Service. In the HPBC Family Life Center. Come join us for a time of food and fellowship.  Please bring covered dishes, desserts, sweet tea, and unsweet tea. The church will provide the meat.

Date Night For Our Young Couples To See Ginny Owens

Ginny Owens is a singer/songwriter, speaker & laughter enthusiast.  She is also a 3 time Dove Award Winner. To learn more about Ginny visit Tuesday, December 4th @ Concord Baptist Church Lunch Event at 10:30 am Dinner Event at 6:00 pm Meal Catered by Talk of The Town / Abbeville Tickets $18 / Married Couples $32 * please turn in your money by Sunday, November 18th for us to make reservations . About Ginny Ginny Owens became a household name as the Gospel Music Association's 2000 New Artist of the Year. Growing in notoriety as both a singer and a songwriter, winning 3 Dove awards and multiple ASCAP Awards along the way, selling over a million records over the course of her career. A top performer on the Christian radio charts with hits like "If You Want Me To," "Free" and "I Wanna Be Moved" among others, Owens has released no less than 11 full albums and 3 EPs, and her music has also impacted mainstream au...

Turn Those Clocks Back An Hour Saturday Night

Praise God for an extra hour of sleep and turn those clocks back 1 hour on Saturday, November 3rd. We will see you the next morning. 9:30am Bible Study & 10:30am Worship. What are you going to do with your extra hour? #timeisprecious

Lottie Moon Christmas Offering

  December 2 - 9   -MISSION MARCH- Sunday, December 9 During the Morning Worship Service Our Goal: $1,000

Senior Adult Christmas Breakfast

Senior Adult Christmas Breakfast  Saturday, December 1    9:00 AM HPBC Family Life Center All senior adults are invited to join us. Please bring a canned good for our Food Bank.

Church-Wide Thanksgiving Fellowship

Church-Wide Thanksgiving Fellowship Tuesday, November 20  6:00 PM HPBC Family Life Center Come join us for a time of food and fellowship. Please bring soups, sandwiches, desserts, sweet tea, and unsweet tea.

WMU Prayer Emphasis for November

WMU Prayer Emphasis North American Mission Board:  Florida, Francisco Tola International Mission Board:  State Convention Missionaries “PRAY WITHOUT CEASING”

Mission Action for November

Mission Action Our Mission Action Project for the month of November will be giving monetary donations toward the many that lost their homes and belongings during the recent tornadoes and hurricanes. Please, pray what the Lord would have us give to these people. Verily I say unto you, Inasmuch as ye   have done it unto one of the least of these my brethren, ye have done it unto me. Matthew 25:40

Birthdays and Anniversaries for November

Birthdays Buddy Sanders                             11/5 Will Artman                                  11/6 Newt Partain                                11/6 Nakita Harris                                11/8 Frances Holcombe                       11/17 Donna Strickland                         11/21 Anniversaries ...

Nursery Rennovations Are Complete

Our mission at HPBC is to connect lives with God and others. One step in recent days towards that mission has been the renovation of our nursery. Our families can feel confident that their children will experience God's word in a safe and loving environment. Thank you to all who worked on this project and may God use this to connect our church with even more families! - Pastor James

You'll Still Be Lord of All

Pastor James and his wife Donna sing joyful noises during worship this Sunday by singing "You'll Still Be Lord of All" by Truth. #pastorandwifeduet

God Is Faithful and Knows You Better Than You Know Yourself

This past Sunday we went through Psalm 139. Isn’t it amazing that God knows EVERYTHING about you and STILL loves you? Make v. 23-24 your prayer and see where you stand with God. No matter where you are at, He is faithful and made you to love you! #Godsfaithfulness

Wednesday Night Bible Study - Titus

Wednesday Night Bible Study - Titus In this video series Chip Ingram unpacks the book of Titus. He challenges us to display the gospel in our lives through doing good. We do good works not to earn God’s favor, but as a result of God’s favor. When the gospel has truly taken root in our lives, it produces t he fruit of godliness. As we pass these things on to future generations, the Church stands in bright contrast to the darkness of the world. Pastor James will enhance the presentation with study and application for what is presented. Note: We will be moving from the Choir Room to the Fellowship Hall beginning in October for the duration of this study. The time is still 6:30 PM so come ready to learn with an open Bible and heart.

SBA Annual Meeting

Saluda Baptist Association Annual Meeting Sunday, October 21, 2018 We will be moving our evening services to Concord Baptist Church for a night of worship and celebration. This is not a business meeting, it is a worship experience with great music and preaching. You do not want to miss this. There is also a Youth Rally with Rev. Josh Gardner at North Anderson Baptist at 5:00 PM . We are looking for volunteers who may be able to take some of our youth to that. 4:45 PM    Meal ($5 per plate reservation by October 11) 5:15 PM    Partners in Ministry Displays 5:45 PM    Pre-Session Music by Rock of Ages Family Music 6:00 PM    Worship Service and Mission Reports (Speaker: Bill Barker from the Georgia Mission Board *Children’s Program & Nursery provided by Concord Baptist Church *Children will eat with parents at Concord Baptist * Youth eat at the youth rally (Children and Youth Meals Are Free ...

Global Hunger Sunday

Global Hunger Relief Offering Sunday, October 14 Please mark your envelope Hunger Relief. 100% of every dollar given goes  directly toward meeting hunger needs!

Trunk or Treat

Trunk or Treat Wednesday, October 31  6:00 PM Each year more and more children and their families from our community stop by for this outreach event. Please bring your vehicle with candy to give out to the children in our community who come through our parking lot, as we reach out to their families. Dressing up and decorating your trunk is not a requirement to participate, but is always appreciated. As you can imagine, there is a large demand for candy as well. If you would like to donate candy, please bring it to the HPBC Bible Study Office when you come to church.

WMU Prayer Emphasis for October

Prayer Emphasis North American Mission Board:  North Carolina, John Brinson International Mission Board:  Chaplains and Volunteers  

Mission Action for October

Mission Action Our Mission Action Project for the month of October will be filling Operation Christmas Child Shoeboxes. We have shoeboxes in the Bible Study Office to pick up. The fee is $9 for each box this year. Please pick up your boxes soon and start this project going.

Birthdays and Anniversaries for October

Birthdays Dorothy Dutton               10/2 Deborah James               10/3 Pauline Tate                   10/4 Ross Christensen            10/10 Jimmy Cleveland             10/10 Lonnie Vickery                10/11 Reba Geddings               10/17 Anniversaries Terry & Mary Lou Finley 10/11 Rick & Shirley Eubanks   10/15

We Are Now On Instagram!

We are now on instagram   Follow us and spread the word!

One Service Sunday This Sunday for September 16 at 10:30 am

Due To Possible Weather Changes, we will be holding one worship service  on the morning of Sunday, September 16, 2018. @ 10:30 am. We are inviting everyone to attend worship this Sunday for one service @ 10:30 am.  This means we will not have 9:30 am Bible Study Classes or 6:00 PM worship.  At this point the forecast seems to be favorable for us to meet at this time.  If conditions change, please use caution and your discretion. We want to worship together but we also want people to be safe. Our prayer is that lives would be touched and changed by worship.  Join us as we change the world, one heart at a time. Pastor James

Youth Scavenger Hunt on September 22

Youth on Mission Scavenger Hunt for grades 6-12.  We will be hunting for clues to local community ministries.  The event will be held at the Saluda Baptist Association office.  Lunch will be provided and the event will be over at 1:00 pm.   We will meet at the church a 9:15 am.  Please  let Pastor James know if you want to attend by September 16. Church Office Phone:  (864) 296-9751 Email:

Labor Day

Monday, September 3rd The church office will be closed on Labor Day.

2018 Season of Prayer for State Missions & Janie Chapman Offering

2018 Season of Prayer for State Missions  & Janie Chapman Offering Sunday, September 9th - Sunday, September 16th MISSION MARCH Sunday, September 16th Our Goal: $1,000   Envelopes are in the pews.

WMU Prayer Emphasis for September

Prayer Emphasis “PRAY WITHOUT CEASING” North American Mission Board:  Illinois, James Abner Retired International Mission Board:  Linda Witherspoon