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Showing posts from December, 2012

T'was The Day After Christmas

Just a reminder to all of our Homeland Park Family that we will be taking a Christmas Break Tonight for our Wednesday night services.  We will be back to our full schedule this Sunday.  Enjoy your time with family and we look forward to seeing you at church Sunday. Merry Christmas!!!!

Staff Christmas Lunch 2012

Thank you Homeland Park Baptist Church for treating the staff to a Christmas appreciation lunch at the Olive Garden.  Each our team's gifts are used to effectively carry out the mission of the church. We love and appreciate you all very much. (Left To Right) Minnie Lee Turner - Receptionist Tammy Sanders - Worship Leader James Strickland - Pastor Cindi  Funchess - Administrative Assistant JoAnn Dickson - Organist Mary Lou Finley - Pianist

Great Men Will Be Filling The Pulpit This Week

Pastor James and Donna will be away on vacation this Sunday, December 16.  The Homeland Park Baptist Church Family will be blessed by these men as they share from their heart and years of experience. You will not want to miss them. Rev. John Dill Director of Missons For Our Saluda Baptist Association December 16th - 10:30 AM Service Rev. Landrum Reece Retired Pastor and Pastor James' Father-In-Law December 16th - 6:00 PM Service Mr. Stanley Watts Faithful Sunday School Teacher and Member of Homeland Park Baptist Church December 19th - 6:30 PM Adult Bible Study

RECAP for Christmas Caroling and Chili Cook Off on December 9th

Chili Judge Anna Briscoe Our church family received a blessing by going out on Sunday and singing Christmas Carols to our members who are in nursing homes or cannot easily leave their homes.  Over 40 members of our family split into 3 groups to cover 12 families.  It was amazing to hear the testimonies of our members who said, "We were blessed more than those we were singing to".  It is amazing to see how a little action can do so much for sharing God's love during this season. When we returned to the church we shared testimonies of how God worked during the caroling then enjoyed 10 different pots of Chili with all the fixings supplied by our members and food service committee.  Our judges had their work cut out for themselves but they rose to the challenge and did a great job.  This is definitely a Homeland Park Baptist Church tradition that we will want to do again.  If you missed it this year, make sure you join us in 2013.  Here are so...

It Is Your Serve

Homeland Baptist Park Church members have been out serving this morning.  It is so great to see people taking ownership in the vision that God has for our church.  Many here know the secret, "To see God's will be accomplished, we must serve! Jesus said it best: Matthew 20:28 26 (HCSB) 26 It must not be like that among you. On the contrary, whoever wants to become great among you must be your servant, 27 and whoever wants to be first among you must be your slave; 28 just as the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve, and to give His life—a ransom for many.” Here are a few photos from today! Larry McLees and Odell Williams Getting The Baptistery Ready For Sunday Patsy and Dot serving their Pinto Beans and Cornbread at the Cross Minsitries Soup Kitchen Clothes collected at our church were delivered to the Cross Ministries Community Closet THEY HAVE AN URGENT NEED FOR DONATIONS OF SOCKS FOR MEN AND BOYS Food collected at o...

Photos from our Senior Adult Breakfast 2012

Each year our church has a breakfast for our Senior Adults.  It was great to have fellowship with the Kitchen help as well as watching our folks enjoy a great breakfast.