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Showing posts from October, 2020

Birthdays and Anniversaries for November

BIRTHDAYS Buddy Sanders               11/5 Will Artman                    11/6 Newt Partain                  11/6 Frances Holcombe          11/17 Minnie Lee Turner          11/18 Tonya Keaton                11/19 Donna Strickland             11/21 ANNIVERSARIES Matt & Molly Turner                    11/16 James & Donna Strickland           11/21 Max & Patsy Fleming ...

Mission News for November

 Mission News Mission Action Our Mission Action Project for the month of November will be for Calvary Home of Children. They can use: Liquid Dishwashing Detergent, Laundry Detergent, Sponges, Plastic Clothes Hangers, Family Friendly DVD’s (new or used), Paper Towels, Napkins, Bathroom Tissue, Paper Plates, Bed Pillows (great need), Washcloths, Sunscreen, Toothbrushes, Toothpaste, Body wash, Brushes, Hairbands, Notebook Paper, Children’s Scissors, Construction Paper, and Glue. Please leave any of these items in the HPBC Bible Study Office.           WMU Prayer Emphasis for November   North American Mission Board: Meghan Williams, Florida International Mission Board: Ross Lewis, European Peoples

Pastor's Post for November

 Pastor's Post Have Hope and Share It!   November 3rd will be a pivotal date in the life of our nation and have a far-reaching impact on the entire world. In this year’s elections, God will place who He wills into each position to deliver either His judgement or mercy upon us. You can be sure of this; many feel like the world will come to an end if their favorite candidate does not win. No matter where you stand on the political spectrum, may I remind you that God is still in control of this entire universe.   If you will indulge me for a moment by reading one of the verses from our Revelation Sermon Series that began last Sunday.  (Revelation 1:8) “I am the Alpha and the Omega—the beginning and the end, says the Lord God. “I am the one who is, who always was, and who is still to come—the Almighty One.”  God reminds us that He is in control, contrary of what any man or woman may think. As fast as culture changes in today’s world, God remains unchanging....

Daylight Saving Time ends

  Turn your clocks back an hour on Saturday night, October 31 for the ending of Daylight Saving Time!

Thank You Note From Pastor James

  Dear Church Family,  Donna and I would like to thank each of you for your kindness, gifts, thoughts and most of all prayers.  Not only for Pastor Appreciation month, but also for the loss of Donna's Dad, Landrum Reece.  Each step has been taken  in God's strength and your support.  We love you all very much and continue to thank God for blessing us with such a loving church!  - Pastor James

Senior Adult Christmas Breakfast

SENIOR ADULT CHRISTMAS BREAKFAST Saturday, December 5 * 9:00 AM * In the FLC All senior adults are invited to join us for this special time of fellowship.  

Mission News for October

  MISSION NEWS Mission Action Our Mission Action for the month of October will be for Operation Christmas Child. Brochures and boxes will be available for you. When you have the boxes ready, please place them around the altar in the sanctuary. Please keep this project in your prayers as you pack each box.     WMU Prayer Emphasis for October   North American Mission Board:  Joshua McCarty, Colorado International Mission Board:  Ross Mackin, Southeast Asian Peoples          

Birthdays and Anniversaries for October

  BIRTHDAYS Deborah James   10/3 Ross Christensen 10/10 Jimmy Cleveland 10/10 Reba Geddings    10/17 Adam Sellers       10/20   ANNIVERSARIES Terry & Mary Lou Finley   10/11 Rick & Shirley Eubanks     10/15    

Trunk Or Treat

  Friday, October 30 * 6:00 PM - 7:30 PM * In the FLC Each year our church invites families from our community to stop by for some friendly faces and candy for the kids and boy do they respond. In light of the current pandemic and weather considerations, this year we are replacing the trunks of our cars for tables in the Family Life Center (Gym). The tables will be appropriately spaced apart for children to walk through and get some candy. We also are highly encouraging the wearing of face masks and will have some available on site as well.   For Those Wishing To Participate:   Dressing up and decorating your table is not a requirement to participate, but is always appreciated. As you can imagine, there is a large demand for candy as well. If you cannot attend but would like to donate candy, please bring it to the HPBC Bible Study Office when you come to church.        

Pastor's Post for October

  PASTOR’S POST Let Us Run The Race Together  “ . . .  let us run with endurance the race God has set before us.” Hebrews 12:1 Dear Church Family,   I want to thank you all for standing strong and working together during the past 10 months. Little did we know how God would change the landscape of the way we worship and teach us how to serve Him in new ways. Whether you worshipped online, in your car or in a pew, God has brought us all to a greater understanding and appreciation of who He is. Many could not and still cannot attend church due to their health or physical limitation, however their prayers, support and encouragement have been vital in these days. The church is the body of believers, not the building and HPBC has thrived in the midst of this pandemic.   The Covid-19 Coronavirus will not totally go away anytime soon, however it has slowed down. In these days God has laid it on the heart of our leadership and myself to m...

#PraySC Bible Study and Prayer Service on October 21

Join us Wednesday Night @ 6:30pm in the Choir Room for a night of Bible Study and guided prayer with others in our state! Gary Hollingsworth, the Executive Director for our South Carolina Southern Baptist Convention has called Pastor and Churches to make October 21st a day of prayer in our state. We recognize that our strength and understanding pales in comparison to the strength and understanding given to us through the Holy Spirit.  He is the One who can bring hope to the hopeless and peace in the chaos.  The healing of our nation is unattainable by our own efforts; it will only happen through a movement of God. May we lift our voices to the One who can bring that change and healing during an election year and a Pandemic.