This past week, we had some new faces for our weekly Bible study and we served plenty of families at our Fall Out of Summer Spectacular. God’s faithfulness has been clearly seen as our church is starting to reach more families and youth. Wednesday night, we will be meeting at the church at 6:00 to leave for New Prospect Baptist Church’s “Back to School Rally.” This will replace our weekly Bible study. We should arrive back just after 8:15 and make sure to bring $2 for pizza. Providence Praise Band will lead the worship service and Kris Scott from C3 Church in Anderson will be giving the message. Please join us and other Anderson area youth ministries for this night of fellowship, worship, and fun! Next Wednesday, September 4 th , we will start our new fall study series, Christian Basics. We will be studying the basics of Christianity in order to better worship God, grow as believers, and communicate our faith to a dying, sinful world so they too might be worshipers of God...
Connecting Lives With God and Others!