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Showing posts from April, 2015

Weekly Youth Update: 4/27-5/3

The Homeland Park youth will finish our “Who is God?” series this Wednesday night. The first week, we learned what it meant for God to be Creator, last week we learned that He is the Redeemer of the world through Christ, and this week we will conclude learning about God as King. The discussions have been amazing and students are beginning to learn more and more about God’s greatness and His amazing work in Jesus to save people! We hope that you join us Wednesday night, from 6:30-7:30, in the Loft of the Family Life Center! Anyone wanting to hang out beforehand may arrive at the Family Life Center at 6:00. We are ready to announce our summer schedule! The table below outlines that our dates and activities for the summer break. Our Wednesday nights will look differently too, but all Wednesday activities will still be held at the church. Date Event Location Cost June 5 Game Night! Family Life Center Free! ...

Pastor's Post for May 2015

Dear Church Family, We have seen God do great things through our ministries last month.  It was exciting to see Jason and our youth ministry partner with Greater Love Church to host the basketball tournament.  My heart was blessed to see so many teenagers using our gym to build community and glorify Jesus Christ.  I also appreciate the hard work our worship team put into their Easter Worship Celebration. My heart was moved to see so many singing and praising in the was a glimpse of what could be.  I thank God that He has raised up men to help our church staff and members when they need help with fixing things and making access ramps for those who need them. God blessed our church by providing enough for us to surpass our Annie Armstrong mission offering goal which means He is allowing us to touch the lives of many around our nation for Him. There are many other reasons for celebrating what God is doing in your life, my life, and the life of the churc...

Photos of Our Church Bus After Lettering

God blessed our church with this 15 Passenger bus last year and after a long search, the lettering process has been complete. A big thanks to ABC Signs & Banners for doing such a great job . Psalm 91:11 For He will give His angels orders concerning you, to protect you in all your ways.

Weekly Youth Update: 4/20-4/26

Our first Bible study in our “Who is God?” series went incredibly well. In seeking to understand what it means that God is the Creator but was never created, our students asked some great questions learning more about God’s identity. Through this discussion, the students were able to learn how amazing our God is to send His Son to die for us! This week, we will pick back up with this series discussing God as the Redeemer of all things. Bible study lasts from 6:30-7:30 on Wednesday night, with the gym opening beforehand at 6:00 for anyone wanting to hang out! We are excited to see you there! If you have any questions about our ministry or any upcoming activities and events, please email me at ! Jason

Photos From The Senior Adult Spring Fling

Our Senior Adults enjoyed a powerful worship service and meal at First Baptist Church, Iva, SC that was sponsored by our Saluda Baptist Association.  These folks have a good time wherever they are!

National Day of Prayer on May 7th

The mission of the National Day of Prayer Task Force is to mobilize prayer in America and to encourage personal repentance and righteousness in the culture. The National Day of Prayer has great significance for us as a nation as it enables us to recall and to teach the way in which our founding fathers sought the wisdom of God when faced with critical decisions. It stands as a call for us to humbly come before God, seeking His guidance for our leaders and His grace upon us as a people. The unanimous passage of the bill establishing the National Day of Prayer as an annual event, signifies that prayer is as important to our nation today as it was in the beginning. We will be joining Christians around the world by gathering on the front steps of our sanctuary on Thursday, May 7th @ Noon for prayer over our nation as one voice united. "Then if my people who are called by my name will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, I will hea...

Weekly Youth Update: 4/13-4/19

Wednesday night, we will have our Bible study from 6:30-7:30 in the Loft of the Family Life Center! Any youth wanting to hang out beforehand can arrive at 6:00 in the gym. Invite your friends and family to come as we start our new series on God, who He is and what He has done! Keep an eye out for a summer schedule coming soon! If you have any questions about the youth ministry, feel free to email me at ! Jason

Weekly Youth Update: 4/06 - 4/12

The Homeland Park youth had an amazing week! We hosted our first 5-on-5 basketball tournament in partnership with Greater Love Bible Church! This was an extremely successful event as it allowed us to share the Gospel and build deeper relationships with members of our community. Due to logistics, we changed the format to a 3-on-3 to allow time for longer games and a deeper tournament. Some pictures are posted below showing some of the games, the winners, and some of the awards given. Patrick Harrison, pastor of Greater Love Bible Church, opened the tournament with our devotional. Elizabeth giving a view of the first round games. Our tournament champions cut down the nets! Champions! All the participants! Closing with a final devotional. Thank you to all who helped this past week. We had many church members who offered their time to pull this event off! Our food committee stepped in and served us wonderfully. Several members kep...

Celebrating Christ's Resurrection

Thank you to all who made the celebration of Jesus' resurrection such an amazing day for our church family! - Pastor James

Weekly Youth Update: 3/30-4/05

The big week has arrived for our 5-on-5 Basketball Tournament! In partnership with Greater Love Baptist Church, the tournament will be in the Family Life Center of Homeland Park Baptist Church this Saturday, April 4. The tournament will begin at 8 am and lasts until about 4 pm. We hope that you come out to cheer on the participants, meet and hang out with members of our community, enjoy some activities at the church, and maybe even play! Guys and girls interested in playing must register with their teams. Friday, April 3, from 5:00 pm – 6:30 pm. Participants must be ages 12-17 and show a valid student ID and report card. Every team member must be present. We hope to see you there! Tonight, the youth will meet in the Loft of the Family Life Center from 6:30 pm – 7:30 pm. As the students are currently on spring break, we will have a low-key hang out time during our normal Bible study. Students wanting to come beforehand may arrive and hang out in the Family Life Center ...