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Showing posts from June, 2018

"Game On!" Vacation Bible School

Vacation Bible School July 16th - 19th  6:00 PM - 8:30 PM For ages K5 through 5th Grade. A nursery will be provided for the VBS workers.

WMU Prayer Emphasis for July

Prayer Emphasis North American Mission Board:  Texas, Kris Tollison International Mission Board:  African Peoples, Parker Phillips

Mission Action for July

Mission Action Our Mission Action project for the month of July is for Homeland Park Fire Department.  Please bring bottled water for them and leave in the Bible Study Office.

Birthdays and Anniversaries for July

Birthdays Margaret Brickman         7/4 Odell Williams                 7/24 Frances Neill                   7/26 Anniversaries Robert & Cindy Hanks     7/26

July Is Full of Opportunities

I have a question for you. How are you approaching the month of July? Is July a time of relaxation and getting away to spend with family, busy schedules, or is just another month on your calendar? I believe that July is a month of opportunities for us as individuals and as a church family. During July we will undertake one of the greatest tools to share the gospel that we have.  That tool is Vacation Bible School . I have been so encouraged to see our leaders prepare for this special week. Over the years God has blessed our church with precious children who come hungry to hear the message of Jesus Christ. I must say that makes my heart swell with hope and anticipation for what God will do. Also, during the month of July our church makes a special effort to encourage our church family as well. These events are not just for our people but for them to invite others to our family because a family that doesn’t grow, dies.  If you look at our Summer Nights Alive Praise sche...