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Showing posts from February, 2013

Youth Night on March 10th

Have you ever asked yourself, "What really goes on in a youth ministry worship service?"  Pastor James is going to show you as he leads his first Youth Night worship service at HPBC on Sunday, March 10th at 6:00 pm in the Sanctuary.  Tammy has got some great music selected and  All ages are encouraged to come be a part of this celebration. Our desire is to worship God and encourage our youth and families. There will also be a Pizza Party/Open Gym for our youth and their families following the evening service.  Get the world out! Let's pack the house!

Sunday School Class For Young Adults Launches In March

Beginning on Sunday, March 3rd , Pastor James is launching a young adult Sunday School class.  Whether you are single or married this class is for you. You will meet on the second floor of the education building at 9:30 am.  Come for a great time of connection, fellowship and Bible Study.  If you have children, there are great classes for them too from nursery to youth age.  Be a part of the awesome movement of God by helping to launch this class.  There are many that need to be reached!

Newsboys Concert on March 15

Newsboys will be in concert with Building 429 and All Things New at Brookwood Church in Simpsonville, SC on March 15th.  We need to sell 10 or more tickets to get a price of $20 per person so bring a friend.  We will meet at the church at 4:00 pm to leave. Turn in your $20 to the church or Pastor James by Sunday, March 10th. The Newsboys Performing "Like A Lion" Building 429 All Things New

Youth SNAC to Cookout Recap

Our youth enjoying some Cookout Goodness The Adult Table :)

Salmon Stew Fellowship Tonight

The Stanley Watts Men's Sunday School Class and friends are enjoying some homemade salmon stew tonight. Don't you want to hang around with these great folks?

A New Sermon Series on Life

Be sure to attend worship this Sunday morning (February 17th) as we begin our new series in the book of Ecclesiastes. We will hear from and expert that knew what it meant to serve God and have everything   Let us learn over the next few weeks from one of the wisest men that ever lived!  Services begin at 10:30 am. A nursery is available. We hope to see you here.

Valentine's Day Fellowship Recap

Valentine Creation Station Lot's Of Finger Food Smiling Faces The Best Desserts Anywhere! Thirsty? The first shall be last and the last shall be first Several Ladies Preparing Gift Bags To Be Delivered To Our Nursing Home and Home Bound Pastor James led a devotion on having a sharing a Christ Centered love: John 15:9-17 (HCSB)  9  “As the Father has loved Me, I have also loved you. Remain in My love. 10 If you keep My commands you will remain in My love, just as I have kept My Father’s commands and remain in His love. 11 “I have spoken these things to you so that My joy may be in you and your joy may be complete. 12 This is My command: Love one another as I have loved you. 13 No one has greater love than this, that someone would lay down his life for his friends. 14 You are My friends if you do what I command you. 15 I do not call you slaves anymore, because a slave doesn’t know what his master is doing. I have called you f...

A Happy Valentine's Day Wish from Pastor James

Cross Ministries News for February

CROSS MINISTRIES Anderson, SC Clothing Closet Carol Brooks who runs the Clothing Closet needs help.   If you are available to help on a Monday, Wednesday for Friday from 9:00 am - Noon please do so.  Help is needed with organizing clothes and assisting the many people who come to the store.  A smiling face and helping hand can go a long way. Also, there are some minor carpentry needs at the Clothing Closet.  Cross Ministries will provide the supplies, but they need someone to do the actual repair work to the door way.  For more details, contact Pastor James. Food Bank The Cross Ministries food bank located a block from our church is in need of canned meat and vegetables.  Donations will be appreciated! Join Pastor James for a  Food Bank/Soup Kitchen Clean Up Day on Tuesday, February 26 at 10:00 am.  (Lunch Provided)  If you have anytime available to help, it would be app...

Church Van Vote This Sunday

(Blue/White Van on Left) Our deacons are bringing a motion for vote this Sunday, February 17th regarding the sale of our Blue/White Van.  We have learned that in order to maintain the van in a safe condition, repairs in excess of $2,500.00 would be necessary.  The van according to Kelly Blue Book values in "excellent" condition is not worth that amount.  The motion to present is to sell the 1993 Blue/White van and place the proceeds into a special designated van fund for purchase of a new van at a later date as fund are available.

Mission Action For February

Our mission action project for the month of February is for "Under His Wings" . This is an eight week in house program for women with life-controlling addictions and is a ministry of Haven of Rest . Please donate any of the following: canned fruits and vegetables, coffee (regular and decaf), sugar, creamer, artificial sweeteners, paper plates, paper cups, kleenex, bathroom tissue, snack items, kool-aid, microwave popcorn, good Christian books, Bibles (Preferably NIV), and clean/usable dresses for church (Sizes 16, 18, 20)  Please leave any of these items in the Sunday School Office.

Youth SNAC after Church Sunday Night

Our Homeland Park Baptist youth and their families are invited to go with us to Cookout In Anderson following the evening worship service this Sunday Night, February 17th, . Bring a friend and bring some $ to eat with. Get ready for some great food and fellowship!

Winter Jam Photos

We had a blast at Winter Jam last Friday night.  The music, preaching and worship that took place was amazing. Almost every seat was filled in the Greenville Bi-lo Center.   Everyone had a great time and enjoyed being together.  We look forward to more opportunities to do the same in the future.  Here are some photos from the night!