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Showing posts from August, 2022

Pastor's Post for September 2022 - Vision for God’s Will (Proverbs 29:18)

One of the most misunderstood scriptures that has been taken out of context since the late 1990’s is Proverbs 29:18 “Where there is no vision, the people perish but he that keepeth the law, happy is he.” - KJV. Many try to make this verse mean if you do not have any overarching “vision” statement then an organization will fail.  While I cannot argue with that statement, it is not the reason this verse was written. The truth of this verse means, anywhere someone does not keep the principles of God’s word at the forefront of their lives, then people will go their own way. When people reject God, sin runs wild. We see that at every turn in today’s culture.  Over the next few months you will hear more from me regarding a “vision” for the future of our church.  You can rest assured it will be rooted in keeping God’s word at the forefront of our lives.  If you are not actively seeking to obey God’s word, there will be no hope for our church to do the same.  Keep His w...