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Showing posts from November, 2014

Weekly Youth Update: 11/17-11/23

The Homeland Park Youth attended the ENGAGE retreat this past weekend! We had an amazing time of worshipping with youth ministries from other local churches, learning more about God, His plan for us, and fellowshipping with one another! A longer post will be up by next week detailing the trip and the amazing time we had worshipping God and spending time with His children! This week, we have Bible study Wednesday, from 6:30-7:30. The Family Life Center will open at 6:00 for anyone wanting to hang out. Our “Relationships” Bible study series will wrap us this week as we finish our discussion on dating and marriage. Invite your family and friends and we are excited to see you there! If you have any questions about Bible study or anything regarding the Homeland Park Baptist Church youth ministry, please email me at ! Jason

Our Jonah Series Concludes for The Wednesday Night Bible Study Tonight

How important is it to serve God with the right motives? Chapter three of Jonah ends with God doing a great work through Jonah and in the lives of the Ninevites who repent and turn to Him. From a preachers standpoint Jonah was a success. He led a crusade that caused an entire mega city to repent from their sins and turn to God. Why not leave Jonah’s story with that great achievement? Chapter four shows that Jonah did the right things with the wrong motives. We cannot hide our motives from God. Thankfully God looks at who we are, more than what we do for Him. Those who serve God must not let sin enter their motives while serving. Jonah needed an attitude adjustment and God’s loving hand gave him one. Are your motives for serving God always pure? Have you missed the blessing of God at work due to your wrong motives? Join us tonight as we wrap up this amazing Journey of Jonah. We begin at 6:30 in the Sanctuary and would love to see you there!

Weekly Youth Update: 11/10-11/16

This weekend, the youth go to the ENGAGE Retreat! We are very excited and blessed to be able to join other churches for a weekend of worshipping God, fellowship, and fun! Students who have signed up for the retreat must attend the parent/student meeting this Wednesday night with their parent or legal guardian. The parent/student meeting is at 5:30 in the Family Life Center.  The ENGAGE weekend is this Friday through Sunday! We leave Friday at 4:00 pm from the church and will arrive back Sunday at 4:00 pm. Please pray for all of us, students and chaperones, that we would learn more of the Gospel, grow in our faithfulness and worship of God, and grow closer to one another! Finally, our Bible study is Wednesday, from 6:30-7:30, in the Family Life Center. We will continue our dating discussion as a part of our "Relationships" series! If you have any questions, please email me at! Jason

Weekly Youth Update: 11/3-11/9

Wednesday night, the Homeland Park youth will finish off our “Relationships” series with a discussion on dating and marriage. Our Bible study lasts from 6:30-7:30 and we hope you join us for what will be a great time of learning and discussion about God’s purposes for dating and marriage. The Family Life Center opens at 6:00 for anyone who wants to hang out! The ENGAGE Retreat is November 14-16 at Camp Longridge in Ridgeway, South Carolina. Our parent/student meeting for those who have signed up is next Wednesday, November 12, at 5:30 in the Family Life Center. If you have any questions, please email me at ! Jason

My Hope With Billy Graham on Sunday November 23

  Take this month to share the gospel of Jesus Christ in a simple way. There is no greater—or more urgent task. On November 23rd in the morning worship service we will present Dr. Billy Graham’s latest message to the world. The topic is "Heaven" as it follows real life stories of people who have dealt with life, death and the hope of Heaven.  Take this opportunity to share the Gospel message with friends, family, colleagues, and neighbors. Here is how it works: PRAY: Ask God to give you a burden of love for the people around you who need the hope of Jesus Christ. MAKE YOUR PRAYER LIST: Write down the names of those you will commit to pray for daily and challenge others to do the same. WATCH: Go out of your way to get them to visit our church on Sunday, November 23rd to see the Heaven presentation. Give them a ride, offer to take them to lunch, tell them that you will sit with them, whatever it takes! DISCIPLE: Record any decisions that are made for Jesus Chri...

Pastor's Post or November 2014 - Thankful Worship

Being thankful unlocks the blessings of God! I am not saying that being thankful will make us rich monetarily, but it does make us rich by being grateful for what we have.  I am thankful for many things while writing this post.  I am thankful that God continues to bestow His grace and love upon me.  I am thankful for God bringing me a beautiful wife and family.  I am thankful for the church family God allows me to shepherd and I am thankful for all the people God has put into my life along the way.  See this does not make me rich in the world’s eyes but in my eyes I am blessed!  Wealth and prestige are great to have, yet, they have a way of fleeting.  God’s Word teaches that for those of us who believe in and confess Jesus Christ as our Savior and Lord, we will inherit an “unshakable kingdom”. “Since we are receiving a Kingdom that is unshakable, let us be thankful and please God by worshiping Him with holy fear and awe.” [Hebrews ...