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Showing posts from December, 2019

Welcome Blake and Amy Fortner

We are excited to Welcome Blake Fortner as our new Youth Pastor. He and his wife Amy are a welcome addition to our church family and we look forward to seeing God work through them in mighty ways! He begins on Sunday, January 5th.

Lottie Moon Christmas Offering

Mission March Sunday, December 8 Our Goal: $1,000

Birthdays and Anniversaries for December

Birthdays Deborah Forrester          12/4 Pat Cox                         12/8 Cindy Hanks                   12/12 Rick Eubanks                  12/15 Bertha Lyon                   12/16 James Strickland             12/16 Ellen Black                     12/18 Patsy Fleming                 12/27 Harold Sanders               12/27 Johnny White                 12/29 Anniversaries Joshua & Trista Cox       12/7 Jerry & Reba Geddings   12/10

HOLDING HEAVEN - A Christmas Worship Experience

Sunday, December 22  @ 10:30 AM In the HPBC Sanctuary.

Church-Wide Christmas Fellowship

CHURCH-WIDE CHRISTMAS FELLOWSHIP Wednesday, December 11 @ 6:00 PM In the HPBC Family Life Center. The Church will provide chicken. Please bring covered dishes, desserts, and drinks.

Pastor's Post for December

Are you in awe, as I am, that we are approaching another Christmas season? It seems like we were just celebrating Easter yesterday. Yes, our perception of time flying by is something many can identify with. Since the Christmas season is upon us, it is more important than ever  to prepare for our coming Savior and King, Jesus Christ! As we read the Old Testament scriptures, we can see how God prepared the way for Jesus to come to this earth, live a sinless life, die a sinner’s death, and rise from the dead only to return again for those who follow Him. One major player in the preparation of Jesus’ coming to earth was found in John the Baptist. John was the forerunner to Jesus. As a matter of fact, He was a miracle as well. Read what happened when his father prayed for a son. (Luke 1:11-13 NLT) While Zechariah was in the sanctuary, an angel of the Lord appeared to him, standing to the right of the incense altar. 12 Zechariah was shaken and overwhelmed with fear when he saw