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Showing posts from 2021

No Trunk, Just Treats Tonight at Church

  Tonight is No Trunks, Just Treats. Bring the Kiddos out for some candy. We will be in the family life center (Gym) from 6:30 to 7:30pm. We hope you can come by!

WMU Prayer Emphasis for October

  PRAYER EMPHASIS   North American Mission Board:  Andrew Long, Georgia International Mission Board:  Patrick & Erin Schwartz, European Peoples     “PRAY WITHOUT CEASING”

Pastor's Post

PASTOR’S POST Dear Church Family, Over recent days, God has reminded me of a principle He showed me in His word which is, “Nothing touches us that does not go through God’s hands.” Whether it be the trials of Job, the betrayal of Joseph’s family, the tragedy in David’s family or the trials Jesus endured, God is in control. “And we know that God causes everything to work together for the good of those who love God and are called according to his purpose for them.” - Romans 8:28 (NLT) Many like to hold on to the promise that everything happens for a reason, but the truth is this verse only applies to believers who are “called” to His purpose. As a Christian we are called to be His church and share the gospel with others. May we not let these momentary trials lull us to sleep in our service for Him. The devil does not deserve the victory. The people of Homeland Park Baptist Church have always been loving and resilient.   Laying down is not an option. It is time to catch up in o...

WMU Mission Action

 WMU MISSION ACTION Our Mission Action Project for the month of October will be Operation Christmas Child and we will be filling shoeboxes to be shipped all over the world. The shoeboxes and instructions are in the Bible Study Office.                      

no TRUNKs just TREATs

  Friday October, 29 6:30-7:30 PM In the Family Life Center (GYM) Church Family and Community - Bring your children and join us for our annual no Trunks just Treats event. Instead of using the trunks of our cars this year, we will have tables in the Family Life Center (Gym) filled with candy and games. The tables will be appropriately spaced apart for safety. For Those Wishing to Participate: Dressing up and decorating your table is not a requirement to participate, but is always appreciated. As you can imagine, there is a large demand for candy as well. If you cannot attend but would like to donate candy, please bring it to the HPBC Bible Study Office when you come to church or drop it off at the church office from Monday through Thursday - 8 AM until 12 PM.

Covid Closings

We will not be having services at church tonight, Sunday or next Wednesday due to Covid. Our hope is to resume on Sunday, October 3rd. Your prayers, support mean the world to us!

Praying As School Resumes For Another Year

  Hey Parents,  How was your child's first day of school?  I am sure there were many emotions involved in "letting go" and trusting God.  Whether it was your child's first day of Kindergarten, 6th grade, 9th grade, 12th grade or college know that your prayers follow them.  I know children grow up too fast but we are taught to enjoy every day we have with them.  I am praying for you as you adjust to another year of growth.  - Pastor James "Teach us to realize the brevity of life, so that we may grow in wisdom." Psalm 90:12 NLT

WMU Mission News

  Mission Action Our Mission Action Project for the month of August will be school supplies for Homeland Park Elementary School. They can use Crayons, Glue Sticks, Post It Notes 3x3, and Index Cards. The other necessary items will be supplied to them. Please leave any of the above in the Bible Study Office.                           WMU Prayer Emphasis for August North American Mission Board:  Keith Decker, Kentucky International Mission Board:  Melissa Conner, American Peoples   “PRAY WITHOUT CEASING”

Pastor's Post

  Dear church family,   I write this with a full heart just before our third of four nights of VBS. God is moving in so many ways through the life of our church. This modest article cannot contain all that He is doing. I have always known that our church is a body of loving people that love others and their community. After many years of prayers and preaching we have seen many of our older loved one’s graduate to their heavenly home as well as God doing a new work in our young families. VBS has been a perfect example of that.   Many of our older members charted the way for years in serving as leaders and teaching children. Some are still doing so but we are seeing another wave of leadership emerge in our young families. Children are hearing the gospel message of Jesus Christ and their parents are learning the blessings of using their gifts to serve Him through the church. God is good and He is not finished with us.   Keep praying, Keep supporting, Keep serving and ...

VBS VIsitation Blitz To Get The Word Out This Saturday

  This Saturday (July 24, 2021) @ 10:00 am Saturday morning we will be hitting the streets of Homeland Park to give out information on our Vacation Bible School that starts Monday night at 5:45pm We need people to come help drive, ride and/or walk. No matter what your age, we will have a place for you. Come help us get the word out. 

Vacation Bible School - July 26-29, 2021

Vacation Bible School July 26th - July 28th @ 6:00 - 8:30 PM & VACATION BIBLE SCHOOL "FAMILY NIGHT WORSHIP" Thursday, July 29th @ 6:00 - 7:30 PM Our Vacation Bible School is designed for children ages K3 - 5th grade.  Each night will involve worship, crafts, recreation, snacks and Bible Study.  The family night is designed for the whole family to celebrate the week with us including a free meal at the end. All children can register at the front doors of our Santuary as the meeting begins.  Registration begins at 5:45pm. Please contact Pastor James at our church office if your child needs a ride on our bus.  We will do our best to accomodate everyone we can.  (864) 296-9751.  Please leave a message if there is no answer or email Pastor James at . Jeremiah 29:13 “And you will seek Me and find Me when you search for Me with all your heart.”

WMU Mission News

 Mission News Mission Action Our church-wide Mission Action Project for the month of July will be two-fold. It will be bottled water for Homeland Park Fire Department and Broadway Fire Department. Please leave these in the Bible Study Office.                           WMU Prayer Emphasis for July North American Mission Board:  Jared Huntley, Virginia International Mission Board:  Martin Chappell, Jerry Cole, Retired   “PRAY WITHOUT CEASING”  

Pastor's Post

Pastor's Post “A Prayer for  Vacation Bible School 2021” Vacation Bible School is approaching very quickly on July 26th-29th! I am excited to not only see those who normally help continuing but new volunteers stepping up too. The future of HPBC looks bright as new leadership emerges. Vacation Bible School is one of the biggest outreaches we do, so expect the devil to work against it.  Here are three specific areas to pray for as we prepare: 1. Pray for the children attending VBS, that their hearts will be changed as they hear the gospel throughout the week. 2. Pray for our VBS volunteers as they faithfully and enthusiastically lead the kids each night. 3. Pray that, as a church, we will build relationships with the families that attend VBS for the purpose of sharing the gospel and partnering with them in discipleship.   I look forward to seeing God work in a mighty way this summer. We covet your prayers and support!   Pastor James    

Pastor's Post for May

Exodus 1:12 (NLT) “But the more the Egyptians oppressed them, the more the Israelites multiplied  and spread, and the more alarmed the Egyptians became.” “Have you ever felt worn down?” Do you get overwhelmed by the current “biases” against those who believe in Jesus and the Bible? Yes, I do too. Trials are proof that God is at work in you and this world. I was reminded in my devotion this morning about the time the Egyptians tried to wear down the Hebrew people by forcing them into slavery. Egypt was afraid because their numbers were multiplying drastically and they were fearful that they would take them over.  You would think that slavery and harsh treatment would have caused God’s people to submit to Egypt, but actually they grew stronger. When you are burdened or mistreated, you may feel defeated. However, remember that resistance and struggle will cause your faith to grow. Your trust is tested and proven by God’s provision every single day. Daily struggles can develop...

National Day of Prayer

  The mission of the National Day of Prayer Task Force is to mobilize prayer in  A merica and to encourage personal repentance and righteousness in the culture. The National Day of Prayer has great significance for us as a nation as it enables us to recall and to teach the way in which our founding fathers sought the wisdom of God when faced with critical decisions. It stands as a call for us to humbly come before God, seeking His guidance for our leaders and His grace upon us as a people. The unanimous passage of the bill establishing the National Day of Prayer as  an  annual  event,  signifies that prayer is as  important to our nation today as it  was in the beginning.   We will be joining Christians around the world by gathering on the front steps of our sanctuary   on   Thursday, May 6th at Noon for prayer over our nation   as   one   voice united.

SCBMA Mother's Day Offering

  Your gift will provide housing and care in our retirement  c ommunities for retired pastors, missionaries, and their spouses who obediently served the Lord and now need your help.

Mission News for May

 MISSION NEWS Mission Action Our Mission Action Project for the month of May is for the Shalom House Ministries of Anderson. Shalom House is a transitional home for women in recovery from drugs and alcohol. They can use: coffee, sugar, creamer, paper towels, Ziplock bags, sponges, scouring pads, Soft Scrub, liquid laundry products, and Clorox.                        WMU Prayer Emphasis for May North American Mission Board:  Jonah Easley, Washington International Mission Board:  Ramona Beam, Sub Saharan Africa Peoples     “PRAY WITHOUT CEASING”  

As One Prayer Rally

  Our church will be joining with other local churches within our association to pray. We all can see that the need for prayer these days is great. Our children, families and churches are coming under attack and people are hurting due to the effect of sin. We must take our cares to the Lord more than complaining about all that is wrong   with the world. Bring your lawn chairs, blankets and refreshments as we pray together at the beautiful Bent Creek Farm. This is the 5th year for this event and it just gets better. This is for all ages. There will be times of singing, times of singing, testimonies and prayer. You do not want to miss this. You are invited to meet us there, however if you need a ride, please let    Pastor James know.   2 Chronicles 7:14 (NKJV) "if My people who are called by My name will humble themselves, and pray and seek My face, and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin and heal their land." ...

Missionaries Jack and Sharon-Fields McCormick Share This Sunday (April 25)

  As part of the North American Mission Board emphasis trough the month of April, our WMU and Pastor James have invited Jack and Sharon Fields - McCormick to worship with us this Sunday.  Come and listen as they both share real needs in Anderson and surrounding areas as well as ways we can make a difference. About Jack and Sharon Sharon and her husband of 32 years, Jack McCormick, have served as missionaries through the North American Mission Board (NAMB) since 2003. They have  served primarily in construction ministry, disaster relief, health ministry and human trafficking.  They are currently serving at Pinnacle Retreat Center in Clayton GA where Jack is coordinating the construction of staff housing.  Photos and info at Come hear what the Lord is doing in our midst and see where you can join in His plan to reach Anderson, the nation and the world.

Children's Easter Egg Hunt on April 3

  Easter Egg Hunt Saturday April 3rd at 2:00 PM For children through 5th grade.  There will be crafts for the children and an Easter Egg Hunt, of course! Church Family: Donations of individually wrapped candy are needed.  Leave your donations in the Bible Study Office.

Annie Armstrong Easter Offering

  ANNIE ARMSTRONG  EASTER OFFERING For North American Missions   Week of Prayer:  Sunday, March 7– Sunday, March 14   Mission March: S unday, March 14 Goal: $1,000  

Daylight Saving Time

  Daylight Saving Time begins Sunday, March 14!    

Mission News for March

 Mission News Mission Action Our Mission Action Project for the month of March will be for Clean Start. They are a non-profit ministry here in Anderson supported only by churches and individuals. Anyone that is homeless or in a home without power or water can go here to get a shower. They can use: Disposable Razors, Bath Soap, Towels, Sneaker Shoes, Travel Size Deodorant, Bathroom Tissue, Baby Oil, Washcloths, Liquid Detergent, and Bleach. Please leave any of these items in the HPBC Bible Study Office.                 WMU Prayer Emphasis for March North American Mission Board: Patrick Grant International Mission Board: Nora Brown, Bonnie Martin (Retired)    “PRAY WITHOUT CEASING”

Birthdays and Anniversaries for March

  Birthdays Matthew Franks              3/1 Tammy Sanders              3/3 Al Harrell                        3/5 Alex Sellers                    3/6 Chris Marlow                  3/8 Bobbie Eskew                 3/10 Weldon Sellers                3/15 Bryce Culberson             3/17 Triston Culberson            3/17 Jerry Ge...

Saying Yes To God

Many who know me, know that Dr. Ron Dunn is one of my favorite authors, preachers and evangelists.  I go back and often listen to his sermons.  He has a way of placing you right in the middle of the Bible text he is covering.  He is in heaven now, but his legacy continues.  I remember him teaching a seminary workshop on God having His way with His servants.  He was covering the life of Jacob where he wrestled with God (Genesis 32).  As I was looking back through some notes, I saw this quote that I would like to share with you this month. He said, ““Why do I find it easier to say ‘no’ to the devil when he tempts me than to say ‘yes’ to God when He’s wrestling with me?” Saying yes to God is often difficult because you know that a wrestling match will ensue.  You may be wrestling with a decision, a situation, something beyond your control, maybe even yourself.  It is important to remember that God changed Jacob in that struggle.  He gave him the...

Mission News for February

 MISSION NEWS  Mission Action Our Mission Action Project for the month of February will be for Under His Wings. This is an eight week in house program for women with life controlling addictions and is a ministry of Haven of Rest. They can use any of the following: Canned Fruits, Canned Vegetables, Coffee (Regular and Decaf), Sugar, Creamer, Sweet ‘n Low Sweetener, Paper Plates, Paper Cups, Kleenex, Bathroom Tissue, Snack Items, Kool-Aid, Microwave Popcorn, Good Christian Books, Bibles (Preferably NIV), and Clean/Useable Dresses for Church (Sizes 16, 18, and 20).  Please leave any of these items in the HPBC Bible Study Office.                     WMU Prayer Emphasis for February   North American Mission Board:  Ryan Sidhom – Washington   International Mission Board:  Megan Williams - American Peoples   “PRAY WITHOUT CEASING”

Birthdays and Anniversaries for February

  February Birthdays Anna Artman                   2/3 Phyllis Swaney                2/10   February Anniversaries Dwayne & Bertha Lyon    2/28

Pastor's Post for February 2020: Stay Connected To God and One Another

I was shocked to see some of the latest statistics taken by Barna Research Group.  They were evaluating the ability for a church to maintain an “online only” ministry model.  These numbers were compiled from April 28th - May 11th, 2020.  During this time we were doing online Bible studies and parking lot preaching services.  Look at how interaction dropped among the age ranges. Boomers (Ages 57-75) 26% Stopped Attending   11% Switched Churches 40% Stayed at Same Church Gen X (Ages 41-56) 35% Stopped Attending   17% Switched Churches 31% Stayed at Same Church Millennials (Ages 25-40) 50% Stopped Attending   8% Switched Churches 30% Stayed at Same Church Stopped Attending - They saw no value in continuing to attend. Switched Churches - They found more value in attending somewhere else. Stayed at Same Church - They still see value in their current church. What these statistics show is that there has been a significant drop in younger adu...

Youth Bonfire This Sunday - January 24th

  Youth Ministry Bonfire SUNDAY AT 5:30 PM EST – 7:30 PM EST Our youth, parents, youth leadership team and their children are invited to attend this launch event for our youth ministry. Food and fun will be available at this bonfire. Thank you to Weldon and Sandi Sellers for hosting us.

The Old Bus Ministry Is Remembered . . .

  I found this picture today in our church library.  I have heard many stories about the famed bus ministry of our church many years ago.  Many in the church would drive multiple buses like this one pictured and others would keep them running all for the glory of God.  They had the desire to see people come to church to hear the gospel and the commitment to go get them. We are standing on the shoulders of so many faithful men and women. I pray others will be able to stand on ours. -  Pastor James

Mission News for January

 Mission News Mission Action Our Mission Action Project for the month of January is for The Anderson Pregnancy Care Clinic. They can use: Diapers (size 3, 4, 5, and 6), Wipes, Baby Shampoo, Baby Lotion, Baby Blankets, Sleepers, Onesies, Baby Socks, Baby Bottles, Toys (infant through 3 years), Bathroom Tissue, Paper Towels, and Copy Paper for office use. Please leave any of the above items in the HPBC Bible Study Office.                     WMU Prayer Emphasis for January North American Mission Board: Kewon Foster - Atlanta, GA International Mission Board: Sheri Norris - European Peoples   Operation Christmas Child Shoeboxes We ended up with 37 Operation Christmas Child Shoeboxes this year. Thanks to each one that had any part of making this a success. Many children will have a happier Christmas because of the love that you extended by helping with these shoeboxes.

Birthdays and Anniversaries for January

Birthdays Robert Hanks    1/8 Aaron Sellers     1/12 Sandra Martin    1/15 Crystal Williams 1/16 Clair Stamps      1/19 Amy Fortner      1/26 Thomas Keaton 1/30 Marian Keys      1/31 Sherry Partain    1/31 Anniversaries Johnny & Janiece White 1/27

Pastor's Post for January

  “Pushing Forward and Looking Ahead in 2021”   I have often heard that God has His reasons for giving us two eyes in the front of our head and not in the back. Sure, we can look around and even walk backwards but that doesn't come naturel. God has given us vision to face forward while we focus on Him and trust Him for each step. To live or dwell on our past keeps us from enjoying the present and being hopeful for the future. Paul gives us great insight into this in God’s word . . .,   12 I don’t mean to say that I have already achieved these things or that I have already reached perfection. But I press on to possess that perfection for which Christ Jesus first possessed me. 13 No, dear brothers and sisters, I have not achieved it, but I focus on this one thing: Forgetting the past and looking forward to what lies ahead, 14 I press on to reach the end of the race and receive the heavenly prize for which God, through Christ Jesus, is calling us. - Philippians 3:12-14...