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Showing posts from 2016

Christmas Day Family Worship Service

Take a few moments to celebrate the greatest gift we have ever received.  Our church family will be celebrating Christmas in worship together at 10:30 am on December 25th.  The dress is casual and it will be a great time for us to worship Jesus as our greatest gift.  Bring your family and join us for the celebration.

Adult Choir Christmas Musical

  ADULT CHOIR CHRISTMAS MUSICAL   Sunday, December 18th During the Morning Worship Service

Church-Wide Pot-Luck Christmas Dinner

  CHURCH-WIDE POT-LUCK CHRISTMAS DINNER   Wednesday, December 14th   6 PM In the FLC.   The church will provide fried chicken and drinks. Please bring a pot-luck dish or dishes of your choice.

Birthdays and Anniversaries for December

Birthdays Deborah Forrester           12/4 Bill Whitlock                    12/5 Pat Cox                         12/8 Cindy Hanks                   12/12 Amber Taylor                 12/14 Rick Eubanks                  12/15 Bertha Lyon                    12/16 James Strickland             12/16 Ellen Black           ...

An Empty Manger Makes For An Empty Christmas

Now that Thanksgiving is over, Christmas is in full swing! The Christmas lists are flowing, shopping malls are crowded and our calendars are busier than ever.  The beautiful thing about attending church during December is that it reinforces the message of Christmas.  The message is the Gospel.  You see Jesus was, is and always will be the greatest gift God has ever given to us. For a child will be born for us, a son will be given to us, and the government will be on His shoulders. He will be named Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Eternal Father, Prince of Peace. Isaiah 9:6 Our world was broken by the effects of sin.  God's chosen people of Israel had been scattered and persecuted.  Worship had to be relegated to a set of rules that kept believers always feeling, "never quite good enough".  Jesus left His throne and glory to walk among us as a human to teach, encourage and ultimately die for us.  He died for our sins to establish a relati...

Daylight Saving Time ends Sunday, November 6th


Recap of Trunk R Treat 2016

Facebook Live Video Recorded by Pastor James During Trunk R. Treat

Recap of The Freedom Center Showing Our Church Love Through A Meal

On September 26 the life of our church changed forever when our bus was involved in an accident while taking our Senior Adults on a trip to Helen, GA.  Many of our members are still recovering and one has passed away from her injuries.  Our faith has been strengthened by a multitude of individuals, churches, schools, community groups etc., as we grieve, heal, and move forward. Pastor Phil and his wife (Far Right) with some members of their church family at the Freedom Center, Pastor Phil Sears and his church family at The Freedom Center have been friends of our church for a long time.  Our two churches are not even a mile apart, yet we work together to take the gospel to our community.   On Sunday, October 30th their church family shared a BBQ lunch and all the fixings with our church family.  From set up, serving, to clean up, they did it all.  It was very humbling for us all.  This was just a glimpse of what heaven is going to be like...

Birthdays and Anniversaries for November

      BIRTHDAYS Lisa Partain                    11/5 Buddy Sanders                11/5 Will Artman                    11/6 Newt Partain                   11/6 Cheryl Billings                 11/7 Nakita Harris                  11/8 Kollette Rhodes               11/9 Frances Holcombe           11/17 Minnie Lee Turner           11/18 Tonya Keaton ...

Church-Wide Thanksgiving Fellowship

  CHURCH-WIDE THANKSGIVING FELLOWSHIP Tuesday, November 22nd   6:00 PM HPBC Family Life Center Please bring soups, sandwiches and desserts. Drinks will be provided.

Mission Action for November

Mission Action Our Mission Action for the month of November is for Calvary Home for Children. They can use: Liquid Dishwashing Detergent, Laundry Detergent, Brooms, Mops, Ziploc Bags, Paper Towels, Paper Plates, Bathroom Tissue, Wash Cloths, Bath Towels, Face Towels, Toothpaste, Toothbrushes, Body Wash, 3 Ring Binders, Notebook Paper, Construction Paper and Glue. Please leave any of the above in the Bible Study Office.        

The Freedom Center Shows Love To Our Church Family This Sunday

Everyone is invited to join us for a free meal in our fellowship hall following this Sunday morning's worship service at Noon. The church family of The Freedom Center is offering this meal as an act of love and support. The meal will include BBQ and all the fixings. 

Let The Lions Roar

God uses our commitment to Him to reach others, even when placed in scary places. God holds us close and reaches others who are far away. We are unpacking this and more tonight at Wednesday Night Bible Study tonight @ 6:30 pm. You are officially invited :)   - Pastor James

All Things Are At Work

I cannot thank everyone enough for their support, love and encouragement through a very tough time for our church members and myself. Everyone is healing from the wreck, many still need fervent prayers. God is on the move in my life and our church family. I can honestly say, I am ready to proclaim God's Word and the messages He has given me for tomorrow. There is so much craziness going on in our world right now, but I am taking solace in the fact that "All Things Work For God's Glory". We will be looking at Romans 8 tomorrow morning. The only way to make sense of current days is to focus on God's Word in the Bible. I encourage you to join us and continue to pray for those impacted by Hurricane Matthew. In Christ, Pastor James

Birthdays and Anniversaries for October

Birthdays Jason Rhodes                  10/1 Dorothy Dutton               10/2 Deborah James               10/3 Pauline Tate                   10/4 Sandra Culpepper            10/5 Molly Black                     10/10 Ross Christensen             10/10 Jimmy Cleveland             10/10 Caitlin Billings                 10/11 Lonnie Vickery        ...

Mission Action for October

  Mission Action     Our Mission Action for the month of October will be to complete our boxes for Operation Christmas Child. We still have plenty of empty boxes in the Bible Study Office if you need one. These will be placed on the altar on Sunday, October 30th. Please help to get this project completed.    

Trunk or Treat

  Monday, October 31st   6 PM   Each year more and more children and their families from our community stop by for this outreach event. Please bring your vehicle with candy to give out to the children in our community who come through our parking lot, as we reach out to their families. Dressing up and decorating your trunk is not a requirement to participate but is always appreciated.  As you can imagine there is a large demand for candy as well.  If you would like to donate candy please bring it to our Bible Study Office when you come to church.

Be Grateful for Another Sunday and Join Us

God Is On The Move Last Monday (September 26) our church bus was involved in a horrific accident on I-85.  As dark as recent days have been, God's sovereign hand has been upon all of us.  Many are healing and two are still hospitalized.  The church family and community have been amazing with their love, outpouring and support.  It seems impossible to approach this Sunday as any other given Sunday.  I am thankful to see the sun again!  Join us this Sunday at 10:30am as we worship the God whose hand is upon us all.  The church is a family and lets get our family together. Pastor James

Children's Church

  Beginning Sunday, September 18th, there will be Children’s Church for children ages four years   through 5th grade. The children will be dismissed during the morning worship service when the choir comes down from the choir loft. Phyllis Swaney, our Children’s Church Leader, will stand by the piano for the children.       

Unicoi State Park - Helen, GA - Senior Adult Trip

Unicoi State Park - Helen, GA - Senior Adult Trip Monday, September 26th We will be eating lunch at Unicoi State Park Restaurant. Cost is $12.95 per buffet and $2.00 per beverage. Price does not include tax or gratuity. Afterwards, we will be stopping to shop in Helen, GA. The time of departure from the church will be 9:30 AM. If you would like to attend, please sign-up on the church bulletin board.

WMU Fall Meeting

  Saluda Baptist Association WMU Fall Meeting First Baptist Church of Honea Path Tuesday, September 13th There will be WMU training sessions as well as special sessions for Men’s Ministry Groups. There will also be a light supper. Mr. Jon Varner will be the guest speaker. Please call the SBA office at 864-225-7759 to make a supper reservation by Tuesday, September 6th.     More information on this event is on the church bulletin board.  

Mission Action for September

Mission Action     Our Mission Action for the month of September will be for Firemen of Homeland Park Fire Department.   Please bring bottled water for them. The Firemen fight many fires and get very thirsty.   The Fire Department has supported us in many ways, now we can support them.   Please leave bottled water in the Bible Study Office.

Birthdays and Anniversaries for September

Birthdays Malissa Fleming             9/1 Max Fleming                   9/5 Elenor Habbal                 9/7 Sharon LaCount             9/10 Jerry Stamps                  9/11 Willette Harrison             9/13 Trista Cox                       9/17 Joe Lollis                        9/17 Geraldine Thrasher         9/17 Tyler Stamps  ...

Happy Birthday Nathan!!!

Happy Birthday to our Youth Pastor Nathan O'Neill!   We love you and are thankful for the ministry you and Jody have in our church! May God continue to bless you in all that you do. We are behind you!