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Showing posts from June, 2014

Weekly Youth Update: 6/23 - 6/29

After a busy two weeks, the Homeland Park youth are beginning to settle into the rest of the summer! We had an excellent time at COLA WARS and Vacation Bible School last week! Thank you to all the youth and volunteers who participated! Your fellowship, service, and sacrifice were an amazing blessing! Tonight, we will have our usual Bible study from 6:30-7:30. The Family Life Center opens at 6:00 for anyone wanting to hang out. Looking forward to seeing you there! Saturday, the Homeland Park youth will meet at the church at 9:00 am to go to Gravitopia and Pizza Buffet for lunch in Greenville. Our scheduled time for Gravitopia is 10:30 am and we will head to lunch immediately afterwards. We should arrive back at the church around 1:30 pm. If you are interested in still going, please email me so I can see if I can reserve more tickets. The total cost for the trip is $25. If you have any questions, please email me at! Jason

Weekly Youth Update: 6/16 - 6/22

  Last week was an incredible time for the Homeland Park youth at COLA WARS! We were able to relax and hang out over games like “Ultimate Cantaloupe” (Ultimate Frisbee with cantaloupes) and dodgeball. The highlight of the week was the time of worship and teaching. We were blessed to hear from other area youth ministers as they taught from the book of James. They continually pointed us to the grace of God and His work through Jesus to save sinners! A student from one of the attending churches professed faith early in the week and we are excited to see the other ways God will use COLA WARS for those who attended! This week is Vacation Bible School at Homeland Park Baptist Church. Going through Thursday, children ages 3 through fifth grade will be participating in a week of excitement, fun, and teaching from 6:00 pm - 8:30 pm each night. The youth are volunteering each night during this time period. If you’re a youth and want to help out, please arrive at 5:45 each night. J...

Vacation Bible School Kicks Off Tonight

Vacation Bible School Agency D3 - Discover Decide Defend June 16th - 19th 6:00 - 8:30 PM Come join us! Ages 3 Years Old Through Children Who Just Completed 5th Grade

How Can I Know For Sure I Am Saved?

Pastor James wraps up the "Saved" series this Wednesday Night in Adult Bible Study @ 6:30 pm. Life Question: How Can I Know For Sure I Am Saved? Come hear the Bible answer this question and more. Hope to see you there and invite a friend.

Summer Youth Schedule

Here's a schedule of events for the summer.  Don't forget about Cola Wars this week! Meet at the church at 5:45 to head over to Southside Baptist Church. Email me at if you have any questions! Special Events Date Event Time Location Cost June 9-13 (Monday – Friday) Cola Wars 5:45-9:15 PM (5:30 PM – Monday) Southside Baptist Church, Anderson (Meet at HPBC) Free (Dinner Provided) June 16-19 (Monday – Thursday) Vacation Bible School (volunteering) 5:45 – 8:30 PM HPBC Free (Dinner Provided only on Thursday) June 20 (Friday) Youth Dinner + Games 6:00 – 7:00 PM HPBC Free (Dinner Provided) June 28 (Saturday) Gravitopia 9:00 AM – 1:30 PM Gravitopia + Pizza Buffet, Greenville, SC (Meet at HPBC) $25 (Event and lu...

Weekly Youth Update: 6/9 - 6/15

This week, June 9-13, our youth will join Southside Baptist Church and other area churches for COLA WARS! This is a fellowship opportunity with other churches to worship Jesus and learn more about Him as we engage in teaching, worship, games, and other fun activities! The event will be from 6:00 pm - 9:00 pm each evening, starting tonight and lasting through Friday. If you want to attend Cola Wars, meet at the church at 5:30 tonight (for registration) and have your ride ready at 9:15 at the church to be picked up. On Tuesday through Friday, meet at the church at 5:45 to leave and have your ride ready at 9:15 to be picked up. On Thursday evening, June 12, wear clothes you don’t mind getting dirty (water games)! Dinner is provided. Because we will be at COLA WARS, the youth will not have our regular Wednesday night meeting. Next week, June 16-19, is Vacation Bible School at Homeland Park Baptist Church. Starting Monday and lasting through Thursday, children ages 3 throu...

Weekly Youth Update: 6/2 - 6/8

The Homeland Park youth with celebrate the end of school this Wednesday night with a pizza and game party! We will kick-off at 6:30 and go until 7:30 (during our normal Bible study time). All you need to bring is yourself and a friend if you can! Next week, June 9-13, our youth will join Southside Baptist Church and other area churches for COLA WARS! This is a fellowship opportunity with other churches to worship Jesus and learn more about Him as we engage in teaching, worship, games, and other fun activities! The event will be from 6:00 pm - 9:00 pm each evening, Monday through Friday, June 9-13. On Thursday evening, June 12, wear clothes you don’t mind getting dirty (water games)! Dinner is provided. If you want to attend Cola Wars, meet at the church at 5:30 on Monday (for registration) and have your ride ready at 9:15 at the church to be picked up. On Tuesday through Friday, meet at the church at 5:45 to leave and have your ride ready at 9:15 to be picked up. Our y...