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Showing posts from February, 2017


(Ephesians 3:20-21) 20 Now all glory to God, who is able, through his mighty power at work within us, to accomplish infinitely more than we might ask or think. 21 Glory to Him in the church and in Christ Jesus through all generations forever and ever! Amen. Dear Church Family, God has been gracious to us all, strengthened us when we had no strength, and carried us when we could not walk.  He has sent many to minister to us and also gave us the opportunity to give Him glory to those He would place in our paths.  That being said, He continues to do a great work in our lives and our church.  As Paul encourages us in scripture above, he says,   “God, who is able, through His mighty power at work within us, to accomplish infinitely more than we might ask or think.” I am truly excited as I hope you are to be a part of this church family.  In  recent days God has given myself and many others a fresh fire to seek Him and be expectant of His w...

Daylight Saving Time

Sunday, March 12th

Annie Armstrong Easter Offering

ANNIE ARMSTRONG EASTER OFFERING Week of Prayer - March 5th - 12th Mission March - March 12th Goal: $1,000 The Annie Armstrong Easter Offering® is named after Annie Armstrong who was the first corresponding secretary for the Woman's Missionary Union (WMU). This annual offering celebrates Annie Armstrong's life and legacy-one that centered around encouraging and stirring up others to support and be involved in missions endeavors. She wrote over 18,000 letters in one year to spur on giving towards missions. Her love to reach the lost did not start there. Annie Armstrong also worked diligently in her community to reach out to those around her through a kind word, giving a hug, or handing out clothing. The offering is given to missionaries serving in North American through the North American Mission Board (NAMB). 

Mission Action for March

MISSION ACTION FOR MARCH Our Mission Action Project for the month of March is for Hospice of the Upstate. They can use: Saltine Crackers, Small and Large Styrofoam Bowls, Small Paper Plates, Plastic Spoons, Paper Towels, Coffee (Not Instant), Individual Fruit Cups, Individual Jell-O, and Individual Applesauce. Please leave in the Bible Study Office.   

Birthdays and Anniversaries

  BIRTHDAYS Matthew Franks             3/1 Tylen McCullough            3/3 Tammy Sanders             3/3 Al Harrell                        3/5 Christine Marlow             3/8 Bobbie Eskew                 3/10 Billy Mitchell                   3/10 Millard Hart                    3/14 Jerry Geddings                3/17 Mary Lou Finley   ...

Why Should I Attend Additional Worship Serivces and Bible Studies at HPBC?

Attending Another Worship/Bible Study Time Can Add Another Dimension To Your Understanding of The Bible: One of the greatest features of a 3D movie is the sensation that you can reach out and touch the objects that are thrown at you.  You become immersed in its story.  Have you ever wondered why you should consider attending some of our other worship service times?  By attending additional services you can get a three dimensional approach to Bible Study.  Here is what I mean. Sunday Mornings:  Our Purpose Is Evangelism: Worship and Sermons are intentionally designed to reach people at all spiritual levels. This is what we call the “front door” to our church.  The primary focus is Jesus, His Gospel Story and His call for us to live our lives for Him. Sunday Evenings: Our Purpose Is Evangelism/Discipleship:  Worship and Sermons are still designed to reach all spiritual levels but the theme centers around going deeper in your faith and ...

Be A Part of An EPIC Conference

Churches in our Saluda Baptist Association are offering some great training at no charge to you or the church.  If we are not learning we are dying.  I plan on being a part of this great conference and it is my prayer that some of you might find and area you are interested in and consider attending.  Registration info is below. In Him, Pastor James February 25, 2017 Pope Drive Baptist Church 9:00 AM - 12:00 PM To equip the saints for the work of ministry, for building up the body of Christ.  Ephesians 4:12 Breakout Session Topics Apologetics: Defending Your Faith (Matt Danuser) Approaches to Evangelism (Jason Moss) Church Security (Weldon Sellers) Effective Deacon Ministry (Bill Cashion) Disaster Relief (Randy Creamer) Prayer Ministry (Travis Dyer) Sabbaticals (John Dill) Technology in Ministry (Robbie Smith) Revitalizing a Church (Danny Burnley) Updating Your Constitution (Fred Stone) Call (864) 225-7759 by February 20 to regi...