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Showing posts from October, 2024

Pastor's Post for November 2024: A True Disciple

  A True Disciple Pastor’s Post for November 2024 Newsletter Oswald Chambers in his devotional entitled, My Utmost for His Highest writes, "A true disciple is one who has his new name written all over himself-interest, pride, and self-sufficiency have been completely erased." Pride is the sin of making "self" our god.”  A disciple is someone who learns from someone else.  Much like a student from a teacher or an apprentice learning a trade.  As a disciple of Christ we are to learn from Him.  This is accomplished by reading His word (The Bible) and applying it to our lives.  As you experience God throughout the month of November, make a conscious effort to learn from Christ.  Learn how to be humble, thankful, determined and loving towards others.  Make spending time with your heavenly Father a priority and make your focus to please Him and love others before meeting your needs first.  Our world is filled with enough people who claim to be a di...

No Trunks, Just Treats Fall Festival This Sunday, October 27th

  Saturday, October 27th at 6:00 PM Each year our church invites families from our community to stop by for some friendly faces and candy.  Tables will be set up in the Family Life Center (FLC) for children to walk by to get their treats. For Those Wishing To Participate: Dressing up and decorating your table is not a requirement to participate, but is always appreciated. As you can imagine, there is a large demand for candy as well. If you cannot attend but would like to donate candy, please bring it to the HPBC Bible Study Office when you come to church. If you would like to reserve a table please contact the church office / (864) 296-9751.