The Homeland Park youth with celebrate the end of school
this Wednesday night with a pizza and game party! We will kick-off at 6:30 and
go until 7:30 (during our normal Bible study time). All you need to bring is
yourself and a friend if you can!
Next week, June 9-13, our youth will join Southside
Baptist Church and other area churches for COLA WARS! This is a fellowship
opportunity with other churches to worship Jesus and learn more about Him as we
engage in teaching, worship, games, and other fun activities! The event will be
from 6:00 pm - 9:00 pm each evening, Monday through Friday, June 9-13. On
Thursday evening, June 12, wear clothes you don’t mind getting dirty (water
games)! Dinner is provided.
If you want to attend Cola Wars, meet at the church at
5:30 on Monday (for registration) and have your ride ready at 9:15 at the
church to be picked up. On Tuesday through Friday, meet at the church at 5:45
to leave and have your ride ready at 9:15 to be picked up.
Our youth ministry was planning a summer beach retreat to
Wilmington, North Carolina, from June 26-29. Sadly, we have to cancel for this
year. With some students being out of town and others having responsibilities
that will keep them in Anderson on that weekend, the trip was unable work.
However, we will have a great weekend in the upstate instead!
Saturday, June 28, the Homeland Park youth will head to
Gravitopia in Greenville for a Saturday of high energy entertainment. Our
scheduled time will be at 10:30 AM and last one hour. Afterwards, we will go to
Pizza Buffet for lunch! The total cost for the day will be $25. Please let me
know by Wednesday, June 18, if you plan to attend!
If you have any questions, please email me at!