Do you remember getting an Easter basket as a child? In the midst of all the colored eggs, plastic grass and loose wrapped candy there sat the CHOCOLATE BUNNY!. I was in chocolate heaven as I gazed at that mound of chocolaty goodness. I remember the disappointment of discovering the bunny was not ALL chocolate. it was inside. As we continue our morning series through Ecclesiastes we find our life is full of chocolate bunnies. Things we think will bring satisfaction only leave us empty and unfulfilled. King Solomon teaches that everything apart from God is temporary and fleeting. Know that God loves you and wants to be the one thing that fills your life completely if you let him. Join us as we make this Life Revolution! Commit to memorizing this statement:
"My worth is not found in the toys I accumulate or the titles I achieve but only in the testimony of what Christ has done for me, in me and through me."