It is amazing to see the progress God has blessed us with in recent months. Many of you are actively sharing your faith, studying God’s word and being faithful to serve Him to the best of your ability. Please know that you ARE making a difference. As we begin April continue praying for God to give you more opportunities to share the gospel in word and deed as the sun stays out longer, the weather gets warmer and the church continues to grow.
Continue to remember our Youth Minister search team as they continue to pray and work towards finding God’s man for this position. We know he will arrive in His time. There are some awesome opportunities for us in 2013. Our leadership and congregation must keep sharing the Gospel and building His kingdom at the forefront of our hearts. May we continue to be faithful in the little things, so God will bring us greater things!
Love In Christ,
Pastor James
John 14:12 [HCSB]
“I assure you: The one who believes in Me will also do the works that I do. And he will do even greater works than these, because I am going to the Father.
Love In Christ,
Pastor James