The Homeland Park youth will continue in our 2 Timothy study
this Wednesday night! Bible study starts at 6:30, ends at 7:30, and meets
upstairs in the Loft of the Family Life Center. We hang out before starting at
6:00 in the gym. We look forward to seeing you there!
Saturday, October 31, the church is hosting Trunk or Treat
at the church! Feel free to stop by with your younger brothers and sisters to
grab some candy! We will be in the church parking lot starting at 6:00.
Sunday, November 1, Homeland Park Baptist Church is hosting
homecoming. Join us as we celebrate God’s work in our congregation and as we
prayerfully anticipate what He will continue to do in our lives! Sunday school
starts at 9:30, worship starts at 10:30, and lunch will follow after the worship
If you have any questions, please email me at!