Attending Another Worship/Bible Study Time Can Add Another Dimension To Your Understanding of The Bible:
One of the greatest features of a 3D movie is the sensation that you can reach out and touch the objects that are thrown at you. You become immersed in its story. Have you ever wondered why you should consider attending some of our other worship service times? By attending additional services you can get a three dimensional approach to Bible Study. Here is what I mean.
Sunday Mornings: Our Purpose Is Evangelism: Worship and Sermons are intentionally designed to reach people at all spiritual levels. This is what we call the “front door” to our church. The primary focus is Jesus, His Gospel Story and His call for us to live our lives for Him.
Sunday Evenings: Our Purpose Is Evangelism/Discipleship: Worship and Sermons are still designed to reach all spiritual levels but the theme centers around going deeper in your faith and building the core of the church. Popular themes include prayer, leadership, endurance, and service.
Wednesday Nights: Our Purpose Is Discipleship: There is a great emphasis placed on prayer and bible study. Church members are encouraged to join in prayer for others, our community and world. We have truly seen God work as a result of the prayers of His people. The sermon time is more like a lesson geared toward deeper study of the Bible in a verse by verse study with opportunities for interaction and application.
Our Current Worship Service Tract:
- Sunday AM (John): John is one of the greatest books of the bible. It lays out the basics of Jesus and His plan. For anyone wanted to see Jesus more clearly, this is the book to study. I often recommend new believers to being their first steps of bible reading in the book of John.
- Sunday PM (1 Corinthians): Paul is writing to a 55 year old church that has become divided and ineffective. He gives great insight on how member can unite to get back to the purpose of sharing the gospel.
- Wednesday Nights (Proverbs): Proverbs is the book of wisdom. Everyone wants to make choices that will strengthen their faith and give them the edge on living a better life. What greater inspiration than reading a book from a man who was given wisdom by God and did everything under the sun. It is a combination of book smarts, street smarts and divine inspiration.
If you are looking for ways to deepen your walk with God and your knowledge of the Bible, I encourage you to join others that are seeking to do the same. Invite someone to plug into one of these services at any point. I hope you are left with the understanding that it is not “Just Church”. Our intention and prayer is to make disciples.