Our Mission Action Project for the months of June
and July will be school supplies for our Back to School Supplies Giveaway on
Sunday, August 11. Items needed: Wide Ruled Notebook Paper, 3x5 Index Cards,
Colored Pencils, Large & Small Glue Sticks, Hand Sanitizer (Small Bottles),
Crayons, No. 2 Pencils, Mechanical Pencils, Small Student Safety Scissors, Post
It Notes, Dry Erasers, Earbuds, and Book Bags. A printed list of specific supplies needed for
District V will be available in July.
Yesterday, our church observed the ordinance of the Lord''s Supper or Communion as some call it. Our church is blessed to have a committee that prepares this for us on every fifth Sunday. This practice is designed to take us back in our hearts and minds to that dreadful night where Jesus sat at a table with His disciples to prepare them for His pending crucifixion . The purpose of the Lord's Supper is not for us to go through the motions, but to remember all that Christ did for us. His body was broken and blood was shed for the forgiveness of our sins. Communion is a time to reflect, appreciate and give honor to Jesus for what He endured for us. This ordinance is not for everyone. This is only to be taken by those who are believers and accepted Jesus as their ultimate forgiver and leader. To partake in this service in an unworthy state is sin. 1 Corinthians 11:27 (NLT) 27 So anyone who eats this bread or drinks this...