The Power of Your
Do you know that your faith can influence
others to follow Jesus? God has blessed all of us with a circle of people to
influence. Whether it be our family, friends, or random people we meet, God has a
plan for all of our relationships. You may think, “I don’t know what to say”
when asked about your faith. All you have to say is the truth. Share with
others what your life was like before meeting Jesus, how you came to know Jesus
as your Savior and how your life is different after becoming a Christian. Also,
you can show Jesus’ love by your actions.
In Luke 7 we read of an occurrence where Jesus
was teaching and the crowd was packed. Four friends knew that Jesus had been
healing people. They loved their friend who was paralyzed so they took his mat,
went to the roof and lowered him at Jesus’ feet. Notice what Jesus says next . . .
Seeing their faith, Jesus said to the man,
“Young man, your sins are forgiven.” (Luke 7:20)
The faith the friends placed in Jesus to heal their
friend made the difference. Jesus forgave the man of his sins, then told him to
get up and walk. May I encourage you today to use your faith to bring others to
Jesus. Your words, actions and deeds, can make a difference in someone's life.
God may use your faith in Jesus to reach those who need spiritual and physical
healing. Pray for God to give you that opportunity, then make yourself
available for Him to use you.
In Him,
Pastor James