Are you in awe, as I am, that we are approaching
another Christmas season? It seems like we were just celebrating Easter
yesterday. Yes, our perception of time flying by is something many can identify
with. Since the Christmas season is upon us, it is more important than ever to prepare for our coming Savior and King,
Jesus Christ! As we read the Old Testament scriptures, we can see how God
prepared the way for Jesus to come to this earth, live a sinless life, die a
sinner’s death, and rise from the dead only to return again for those who follow
One major player in the preparation of Jesus’
coming to earth was found in John the Baptist. John was the forerunner to
Jesus. As a matter of fact, He was a miracle as well. Read what happened when
his father prayed for a son.
As you prepare for this Christmas season, you
can be assured of this fact, “God hears your prayers”. John was an answer to
Zechariah’s prayers and Jesus is the answer to yours. Remember that Jesus is
the reason for the season. Prepare to worship Him this Christmas. Place His
name at the top of your Christmas list.
In Him,
Pastor James