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Pastor's Post for February

Dear Church Family and Friends,

I am excited to share with you that God has called me to go on my first “Out of The Country” mission trip to El Tambo, Ecuador. This mission will take place June 20-28, 2020 at a cost of $2,745. The team will consist of about 35 people from many backgrounds and will minister to the town of El Tambo located in the Andes mountains at an elevation of approximately 8,650ft. The site is located near the Incan ruins in Ecuador. 

We will be offering medical services through primary care, dentistry, optometry, and pharmacy for people of all ages.  We expect to treat between 1200 and 1800 patients throughout the course of the week. We will be working alongside a local pastor and his church of approximately 100 members. This pastor also manages two Compassion International programs and cares for nearly 300 children in the El Tambo area.

My role will be to provide pastoral support for the team and helping the local pastors of Ecuador with outreach, leading worship and serving where needed. 

Please keep our team in your prayers. Specifically, I ask that you pray for our team's safety, health, unity, communication, strength, wisdom and that we will have a heart of boldness to share the gospel. If you feel led to support my trip financially, it would be such a blessing, and your contribution would be greatly appreciated. (This can be done through the website that is linked on my Facebook page, ask Pastor James, or call the church office for more information. This is a tax-deductible gift).

Thank you for your support and care. May God bless you richly and I cannot wait to share about my experience upon my return.


><> Rev. James B. Strickland

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