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Pastor's Post for October


Let Us Run The Race Together

 “ . . .  let us run with endurance the race God has set before us.” Hebrews 12:1

Dear Church Family,

 I want to thank you all for standing strong and working together during the past 10 months. Little did we know how God would change the landscape of the way we worship and teach us how to serve Him in new ways. Whether you worshipped online, in your car or in a pew, God has brought us all to a greater understanding and appreciation of who He is. Many could not and still cannot attend church due to their health or physical limitation, however their prayers, support and encouragement have been vital in these days. The church is the body of believers, not the building and HPBC has thrived in the midst of this pandemic.

 The Covid-19 Coronavirus will not totally go away anytime soon, however it has slowed down. In these days God has laid it on the heart of our leadership and myself to move forward by re-opening some programs, ministries and events. This is a new race that we must run together. We must be cautious by continuing to observe Covid-19 precautions. Be aware of the needs around us and be our brother’s keeper by doing all we can to keep ourselves, and those we worship with, safe.  

 As we begin to install new leadership for the next church year and seek God’s guidance on our new team of deacons, may we run this new race together. We may not “do” church like we always have, but we will do church as God leads. Here are a few results from our leadership team meeting on September, 24.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          

9:30 AM Bible Study Classes Resume Today for All Ages

* Mrs. Bobbie Eskew’s Class in the Choir Room.

* Mrs. Mary Lou Finley’s Class in their regular room.

* The Sanctuary Class and Men’s Class will join either of the two classes mentioned above.

* Pastor James will meet in Mrs. Bobbie’s former room.

* Nursery age will meet in the nursery and children will meet upstairs.

 6:30 PM Wednesday Night Activities Resume

* Youth in FLC / Gym

* Adults in Choir Room

 Trunk R’ Treat

Friday, October 30  6:00 PM - 7:30 PM  In the FLC

* Church members will request tables to decorate by contacting the church office. We will observe Covid-19 precautions for this event. If you would like to donate candy for the event, please leave in in the Bible Study Office. 

 Join us in the race, either in person, online, or at home. You are important, you are loved and God wants to use you in furthering the gospel at HPBC!

 In Him,

Pastor James

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