We would like to thank our Building Maintenance committee for their work in improving our church for the glory of God and the spreading of the gospel. After only a week, they have fixed their first work order by securing some loose pews in the sanctuary. They also did some upgrades to make entering the left side of our church safer.
If you notice items that need to be brought to the Building Maintenance Committee, please fill out a work order which can be found in the office or your Sunday School class room. Thanks again Odell and Larry! We appreciate everything you are doing! Everyone remember that the greatest journeys start with a first step! Let us walk together.
New ramps and rails for the left entrance of our church
End caps for the safety rails leading to our Family Life Center.
If you notice items that need to be brought to the Building Maintenance Committee, please fill out a work order which can be found in the office or your Sunday School class room. Thanks again Odell and Larry! We appreciate everything you are doing! Everyone remember that the greatest journeys start with a first step! Let us walk together.