Take this month to share the gospel of Jesus Christ in a simple way. There is no greater—or more urgent task. On November 23rd in the morning worship service we will present Dr. Billy Graham’s latest message to the world. The topic is "Heaven" as it follows real life stories of people who have dealt with life, death and the hope of Heaven. Take this opportunity to share the Gospel message with friends, family, colleagues, and neighbors.
Here is how it works:
- PRAY: Ask God to give you a burden of love for the people around you who need the hope of Jesus Christ.
- MAKE YOUR PRAYER LIST: Write down the names of those you will commit to pray for daily and challenge others to do the same.
- WATCH: Go out of your way to get them to visit our church on Sunday, November 23rd to see the Heaven presentation. Give them a ride, offer to take them to lunch, tell them that you will sit with them, whatever it takes!
- DISCIPLE: Record any decisions that are made for Jesus Christ and let the church help you begin the first steps of discipleship with them.
Movie Trailer